Wednesday, February 22, 2012

a scare

What a morning we've had!  Our Kason has given me a huge scare and I'm still not quite over it.  It was going to be a nice mellow morning because my nieces didn't come today so it was just Kason and little Carson until Anika got done with her preschool.  I was cleaning up the kitchen, taking my time and was enjoying the chippery sounds from the boys.  I just thought to myself how thankful I was that they were playing so nice together, even if Carson is only 18 months old.  Then I started to look through some bills quick when somehow I felt a strange feeling that it is way too quiet which is never a good thing with the kids.

I went over to the living room and that is when my "nightmare" began.  I saw the empty pills bottle sitting on our side table and I knew right away.  I asked Kason all the questions at once: "Did you eat these? Where are the pills, Kason? What happened?  Did you eat them?" The bottle with about 60 pills of Fluoride supplements was empty and I couldn't find one pill laying around anywhere.  It was all my fault, just the thought that I was the one who left the bottle there the night before after the kids went to bed made me feel sick to my stomach.  I started looking all over Kason and trying to see if he was ok.  He seemed perfectly fine but he started getting afraid after he saw my expressions.  At first he was just scared he was in trouble but then he got really scared seeing me in the panic mode.  I called Ehren while I was looking up everything about Fluoride over dozing and he left work right away.  Then I called the ER but they had me on hold for so long I got my cell phone out and dialed the poison control at the same time and luckily they talked to me right away.  The lady made me feel so much better, she said the doze should not be threatening to him and it will just give him a really bad stomach ache.  She said to give him as much dairy products as I can because Calcium would absorb the Fluoride.  As I hung up the phone with the lady Kason started telling me his stomach really hurts.  I made him a big glass of chocolate milk right away and by then Ehren got home from work.  As Kason was almost done drinking it, he started coughing and threw up all over the kitchen floor.  I don't think either Ehren or me were ever so happy to see a throw-up. :)  It was all purple because the pills he took were tinted purple with grape flavor.  I was still not sure, how can you tell how much of the pills he ate he actually threw up, but it for sure made me feel way better to see some out of his body.  He still had stomach ache for a couple hours or so after that and laid on the couch for a while.  He also had 2 more cups of chocolate milk and 2 yogurts and I thought that should be plenty of dairy for Kason's little body.  After all that he had to go to the bathroom and I was glad he's able to go and things were moving inside of him.  He also seemed to feel a lot better soon after that and after Anika came home from school you wouldn't know anything has happened.

It seems so unreal that it just happened today.  I feel so bad for leaving it out like that, such a careless thing to do.  But at the same time, I could not be more thankful and full of praise to God that it was such a minor thing.  I am in the middle of my second book about a child being in Heaven (the boy that went to Heaven) and it really makes you think about losing your child or what it would feel like if you had to face that.  It sure makes Heaven more real and closer than ever and I've been trying to talk to the kids more about it.  Just the other day Kason decided he didn't want to die because he didn't want to go to Heaven without me and got a bit upset about having to go by himself if something happened to him.  And I think for a second this morning when I was panicking and telling him he could have gotten really hurt he got really afraid that something would happen to him.  So we prayed together for God to heal his little body and stomach and just like that, Kason was good to go and wasn't upset about it anymore.  That's faith like a child.  I am so happy this day didn't turn into a real nightmare and it was just a good reminder for me to be more careful.  God is good and He takes care of us.


  1. no čo ti poviem, riadny horor si zažila, chvala Bohu sa to dobre skončilo, dobre, že si to hneď zbadala a vedela, že čo máš robiť.
    Drž sa moja, lubime vas.

  2. Thank you for sharing! How scary; I am so thankful he is ok!
    We found Lanie on the bathroom counter with a bottle of children's Tylenol. Super scary too.
    I ate an entire bottle of children's Tylenol when I was little and had to go the ER and get my stomack pumped. It was awful.
    God is so faithful to protect His little ones!
    Now if only they would make medicine taste bad!
