Kade has been playing basketball this past winter. At first he didn't want to sign up so I really encouraged him to do it because after all, through the whole winter that is the only sport he can do at school. Hockey is huge here and I know he'd be good at it, but we decided to not even start going down that road as we see some "hockey families" and how from November until March their life is all about hockey and we don't want that for our family. So anyway, Kade has been having fun this winter with basketball and getting a little better than last year. After the regular season is over they have so called "traveling teams" that continue practicing twice a week and then have some tournaments against other towns. Somehow I assumed only the 4th graders and up get in the traveling teams until a friend of mine goes: "Congratulations, I saw Kade made the traveling team". I was glad she told me because I would have no idea and Kade would probably end up getting bumped from the team. Honestly, I thought even if there was a traveling team Kade wouldn't get picked because there were so many boys in basketball and they only picked 10. But I guess he was good enough and he was so excited about it. I'm just glad he gets to practice more so he will be able to get better. They have 2 hour-and-a-half long practices every week which is great. And since he's only in 3rd grade they only play in one tournament along with 4 other towns which I love because we don't have to spend many Saturdays traveling to different tournaments like the older grades do.
Anyway, that is my intro to our story last night. Right around 5pm as the daycare kids were about to leave for home we had an accident. The boys were downstairs in the basement, being boys and being a bit wild. They like to go as fast as they can on little scooters and things and I'm surprised nothing ever happened. Until last night. All of a sudden I just hear a big cry from Kade, him holding his head and running upstairs. Something about Kason running into his head with the bicycle while Kade was looking the other way. My first reaction was he's being a little drama queen so I made him lie down for a bit. He calmed down and came back to the kitchen saying his head really hurt so I had him put some frozen vegetable bag on it. As he's doing it he noticed there's blood on it and right away I felt terrible for not checking it right away. It was a tiny cut on the back of his head but it was bleeding pretty good. We washed it and he held something on it and I thought it would be fine, but little while later it was bleeding again. And so, I told him he had to miss the basketball practice that night because if he hit it again it might bleed even more. And he started really crying then because he really didn't want to miss the basketball. I was planning on taking Kason and Ani to the library after I dropped Kade off so I asked him if he wanted to come with us to the library. Kade was quiet and then he goes in all seriousness: "But what if a book falls on my head?" :) I had to laugh out loud at his comment which he did not appreciate but I told him he was just funny and I wasn't laughing at him.
But he was still upset about not going to basketball so I got an idea to cheer him up. He got a Dairy Queen (ice cream place) certificate from someone a long time ago that he's been wanting to use and there was never a good time to go but I thought that would really cheer him up right now. Ehren was working late so I let him know to come and meet us at DQ after we're done at the library. And so we had our little family ice cream time together and it was great. Even though as we sat down I told Ehren we must be crazy for going out for ice cream when it's like 10 below F but that is what people in Northern MN do I guess. I don't even like ice cream that much so that is definitely not a treat for me, but seeing the kids get all excited to go to DQ was fun. It doesn't take much sometime to make memories for the kids and they remember those times so well when we took the time to do something special for them. I'm so glad I thought of it because seems like in our busyness we don't have enough of those times when it's just our family spending time together. And it worked out great too because it was our "Tuesday family night" which we were going to move to Thursday because of Kade's basketball but it turned out we had a great family Tuesday after all. And none of it would happen if Kade didn't get hurt. :)
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