Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I probably mentioned something before about Ani not catching on Math very fast.  I don't think it's something bad and I'm sure there are a lot of kids who are not that interested in numbers and stuff, it can just be hard when I go from Kade who gets any Math facts right away to her.  I am starting to really prepare myself for next year when she goes to Kindergarten.  Really, I think they do a lot more with reading than Math that year, but we still need to work on it now.  I am getting more determined than ever to teach her the basics by Fall. :)  I am researching all kinds of teaching techniques and visual aids that can help but really, just doing some of it every day helps a lot.  It is also a bit hard when I am working with her on counting and sequencing and her little brother that's 3 and 1/2 can do it all while she struggles.  I really can't say she is not smart because of it though because she is doing just wonderfully with the beginning reading skills.  She can figure out rhyming words, what letters the words start and end with, and she's starting to read those beginner reading books so I know with reading she'll have no problem.  But then it's like something is not clicking with numbers for her.  It's interesting to me because she is really good at puzzles and thinking skills but then when it comes to numbers she doesn't get them.  Sometimes I think that's how I was.  I drove my mom crazy the first 2 grades or so because I just could not get the simple math, adding and subtracting.  But then once I got into more complicated things I loved it. I loved algebra, trigonometry and anything that was harder to solve.  But I still do some simple math on the calculator or I use Ehren as a calculator. :)  So Anika must have her mom's gene in her.  I just pray I have the wisdom and patience with her as she struggles through the first years of school because I know she will in some ways.  But mostly, I hope I always gently encourage her and praise her for her effort and show her what her strengths are.  I don't believe in overpraising the kids who grow up thinking they are Einsteins but everyone needs praise and affirmation.  I know Anika will do great because she is very determined to get anything she starts, she works hard and never gives up.  I love my Ani.  Her recent "obsession" is helping me with any house chores.  She loves putting the dishes away, help with laundry, or dust and she does it all very cheerfully for which I couldn't be more thankful.  I hope her attitude lasts because it is a nice change from the boys who couldn't care less about that stuff and have to be motivated to do it. :) It sure is nice having another girl in our home.


  1. I will pray for you! I know with Afton I have had to be really creative with language and teaching her how to read and all of that. It has been through our every day things that I have taught her to read and write. I will pray that you will see the opportunities to teach her numbers and math concepts through every day life and that she will begin to understand. You are the perfect Mama for her--no one better, keep up the great work!

  2. mama vraví: " nestresuj sa veľmi dopredu, čo bude a čo príde, dosť má deň na svojom trápení" tá naša Schwester Ilse vravela takú vetu: Heute ist heute... ( dnes je dnes...)
    Drž sa moja.

  3. Esti, a pamatas sa, ze Tebe nesli priklady typu "tri a kolko je sedem?" nijak Ti to neslo, ale len dovtedy, kym si nezacala pocitat v pocte bonpari - potom uz naraz slo vsetko spocitat a odcitat ... keby som to nezazila, neuverim ...
    tak teraz len najst tie vhodne "bonpari" pomocky pre Aniku :o)))
