Ehren and I don't usually do anything special for valentine's day and that's just fine but somehow over the last few years I really try to make it a fun day for the kids. They get so excited about making valentines for everyone and having a party at school and home. We worked hard on valentines a few days before. Emily, Ani and Kason loved making new hearts for everyone they love. Since we've had daycare kids at our house we have done a little Valentine's party instead of our usual snack time and it's usually a big hit with all the kids so we couldn't skip it this year. We had peanut butter jelly sandwiches shaped like hearts, fruit, sparkling juice and some treats. And oh my for the treats! I did not realize how much crap kids bring home from school on Valentine's Day because all the classmates give some candy to everyone. It is going to last them a long time unless I throw some in the garbage :). It was just a really nice day. We had our playgroup friends come in the morning and for lunch and it's always fun visiting with them. Then Ehren's mom came to see the kids during our Valentine's snack and after Ehren got home we went to visit his great aunt Judith at the nursing home. She was really happy to see us and the kids. She is getting weaker and more fragile every time we see her but she always has a smile on her face and is delighted to talk to us and see what's new with us.

So it was a fun day for sure. I was also dead tired by 8:30pm :) but it was so worth it. It is really strange but both Ehren and I have been feeling such peace in our home lately. We just feel blessed beyond words and feel like we don't deserve it. I am a true pessimist and part of me is waiting for something bad to happen which I know sounds terrible but it's how I'm wired. So I try to savor these moments and really enjoy the blessings from God. Our 3 beautiful, smart and healthy kids, our awesome house, Ehren's job and his recent promotion to a supervisor, our health, and everything else that we don't deserve. With all the suffering, financial and health-wise, broken homes we see all around us I feel a bit guilty for being so blessed. And I just hope Ehren and I can be good stewards of it all, be God's hands and feet where we are and not just live our safe little life with our family. It is so easy to just focus on our family and making sure we're there for each other and are taken care of when there are people all around us that are hurting and have no one that's there for them. And in the big scheme of things, our little lives are so insignificant which really helps me see what is important in this short life we have here. Have a blessed day wherever you are!
And in the light of Valentine's Day I have to end with a little thought about my Kason. He has always been a little bit of a mommy's boy, liked to cuddle with me and sleep right next to me as a baby. But recently, he is becoming very affectionate with me and it is the cutest thing. He hugs me at least 20 times a day, kisses me on the cheek and tells me :"I love you mommy" or sometimes "lubim ta" in Slovak. I try to cherish every one of those moments because with Kade I see how quickly they grow up and are a lot less eager to hugs and kisses. I am also a very non-affectionate person as Ehren would tell you :) but with Kason, we have a special bond that way and I still hold him in my arms a few times a day. And I love it. Party it could be that he's my baby, he's our last one and I am holding on to him as long as I can. :) But I will always treasure the way he tells me he loves me over and over every day. :)
working hard on the puffy hearts |
bean heart with a magnet to put on the fridge |

pbj hearts |
cake treats I made |
nana handing out her Valentine cards |
Mama vraví, že Adam je ešte aj dnes taký ako Kason, takže sa neboj, tí poslední sú už takí