I am so proud of our Kade. He is very smart, sometimes too smart for his own good. :) It is funny, he is only 8 but it sure feels like he's in early teens some days. Just very opinionated, thinks he knows everything best and it is becoming a whole new level of parenting for us. It is not "do this because I said so" anymore, or at least not most of the times. We have to actually discuss things, attitude, and why we do it and so on. :) Sometimes I miss the days when he would just love to help me with anything, I would tell him to get some small chore done and he would be all excited to do it for me. Now, not so much. Although the chore chart works wonders and we let him earn money for completing them which we put in his savings account. He knows exactly how much money is in there at all times and he likes to save up for some toys or things so that's great. He always used to love Math at school, it was his favorite but this year he decided he likes reading the most. It makes me so happy because I am not a reader. I think I read really slow in comparison to other people but it's been also hard for me to read because I hate putting a book down when I'm in the middle of it and would stay up until 2, 3 am reading it. So then I just don't read because I feel like what's the point when I can't finish them for a month. Anyway, I've always read to our kids a lot, ever since they were babies and I feel like it's paying off now because they all like reading a lot. If I had the time they would love it if I read books to them for hours. It is still our naptime routine to sit on the bed or couch, all cuddled together and we read books. It helps Kason now because he hates taking naps and almost doesn't need them anymore but reading books first eases him into it and he knows once we're done it's time for the nap. Kade is getting bored with the little kids' books though and loves reading chapter books. I'm glad our library has a lot of them and he went through so many books from there over the summer. Just this week, Kade's precious journal came that he ordered online. He paid for it with his own money and he just wanted a diary so bad, but it had to have a lock so we had to get it online. I'm not sure why it had to have a lock because he doesn't care if I read it and Kason and Anika couldn't read it even if they wanted to. :) But, I was glad because his handwriting can use any practice it can get. This year, in the 3rd grade they focus a lot on handwriting which is Kade's biggest struggle and he hates it too. But it was funny to me, looking for diaries everywhere, they sell them only for girls. Or I should say like 98% I found were all for girls and that is sad. It would be great to encourage boys to write and they would love it if they made some cool ones for them. Ones that don't show skeletons or pirates, which is the only thing I was able to find.
We just had our parent-teacher conference tonight. Kade's teacher this year is very different from the one last year and Kade has missed her so much. The 2nd grade teacher was young, very sweet all the time and promised to never yell at them which was the most important thing to Kade. After the first 2 or 3 weeks of the 3rd grade Kade would come home and tell me he doesn't like his teacher now because she yells a lot. I said "well, I yell a lot too" but he's more scared of her I think. :) I think it has gotten a lot better though, she told us tonight she never yells but she is just a louder person (I'm not sure I believe her "never yelling" part though :)). Anyway, it went really well and he's doing great with everything. It is great to see him having good friends in his class, even though they get in trouble together. It is funny how every little thing is a competition to these boys. Whether it's a Math test or standing in line to go to the next room, they have to be first and so the teacher is having a little hard time with that but it's nothing bad. They're just boys and it's good to see Kade coming out of his shell a bit more this year. He sure is growing up, getting more brave and is learning about who he is and who he wants to be. It makes me a bit scared about being a good parent because it gets so much harder each year. There are so many more issues to wrestle with than when they are toddlers or preschoolers. I will have to write soon about the book I am almost done with - "a Grace-based Parenting". It is teaching me so much about the way I approach our kids every day and mostly about how it's ok to let them go out into the world because that is how God designed it. He made us a part of this world, not a part of our little Christian world behind a huge gate so we can stay safe and harmless. But more about that some other time. It's time for bed.