Friday, October 14, 2011


It is Friday and I was excited for the weekend to start until a couple bad news came a little while ago.  First, it looks like Ehren has to work the day after Thanksgiving which is when we love going to the Cities for a long weekend and then my good friend called and she can't make our little getaway tomorrow either.  Bummer!  It's so easy to just get all mad and dwell in the self pity but I can make the best of it too.  It's my choice.  But that's not what I was going to write about.  I just had to complain to the world a little. :)

I have to say this friend I was excited to hang out with is a big answer to a prayer for a good friend in my life, ever since we moved up here 5 years ago.  I can't believe it's been that long because it feels like we're still so new to the community and even our church.  I do have good friends, the problem is most of them are either too busy for me or we don't have that much in common and at this point in my life it is hard to find good friends who aren't already taken. :)  I know, it's silly but that's the truth as far as women go.  I am not sure if a small town makes it worse, sometimes it feels that way.  And very likely I may seem that way to other women so I'm not trying to slam others here.  Us girls are very funny creatures.  Of course, there are a lot of exceptions to the rule, but it is interesting to me how many women around me are still in their adulthood very insecure in so many aspects of life and are constantly comparing themselves to that prettier or trendier or more of a "Martha Stewart" woman next to her.  I am no exception, I'll do that more times than I would want or even admit but at the same time I am surprised to find out I am not in a minority and a lot of women around me struggle with those things daily.  In some ways guys are spared of so much drama in their life. :)  My absolute biggest pet peeve when it comes to women friends (and really to be fair I don't know too many women who do this) is when someone is "bragging" about doing this or that with their Best friend.  It is very middleschool-ish to me, but I am finding how so many women don't change since high school and it is still about who is your best friend and who you're "playing with" and "not playing with".  Seriously (something my 8 yr old would say)?  But I try to just ignore it when I see it and be very careful not to ever brag about my friendships and even say the word best friend because really, you don't know who could be the biggest blessing to you today or tomorrow.  And you don't know if the person that is listening isn't wishing she did that with you instead and was called someone's best friend.  If we don't reach out and invite new people in we will never know if they can be our new "best" friends.  I just joined a new Bible study with about 7 women of all different ages and it is so good to be able to share struggles/challenges/life with them.  I especially like listening to and talking with the older women who have been where I am, who have had their shares of hurt, disappointment and joy.  Women need each other whether they like it or not and I hope I don't close the door on any woman who is lonely and can't fit in with anyone.  It is so easy to do when we don't purposely look for them but they're out there, at every social gathering I can think of.

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