Monday, October 24, 2011


Anika had a big day today.  First she had preschool and she couldn't stop talking about all the things they did there.  In the afternoon I had to take her to the doctor for her 5th year check up, a long-time dreaded appointment because she was getting all the shots that are required for Kindergarten next Fall.  I have been preparing her about the shots for months now and she knew that after her birthday she was going to get them.  I finally scheduled the appointment for today and she was so great.  It seems like she is growing up so much in every way.  To make it a fun day for her instead of a scary one, I told her that when she is brave at the doctor we will go to Dairy Queen for a treat.  She was so excited about the DQ that I don't think anything else mattered at all.  I was trying to remember when the last time was we took our kids there for a treat and I couldn't even remember because it is such a huge treat at our house.  Well, I think it is mostly due to my thinking that it is just an overpriced ice cream place (which it is :)) but I guess once in a great while it's ok.  Especially when I see Ani's bright blue eyes just light up with excitement when she talks about it.  The doctor's appointment went great and Anika did really well even though she was a bit shy with the doctor.  It was a bit long too but the 3 shots at the end finally came.  Ani was so brave and I know it was hard for her because sometimes just the thought of getting hurt makes her cry. :)  So the first 2 shots she just made a little face but didn't even peep which shocked me.  The last shot was something that I guess hurts as it shoots into the body so she did let out a little cry but I was so surprised that was it.  I was really expecting fighting with her, or even having to hold her tiny body down but she did awesome.  My brave little girl.  We sat down at DQ and enjoyed our treat and I told her how proud I was of her.  But I think she's taking after her dad with the ice cream because I barely started mine when she was all done with hers. :)  Afterwards we ran some errands and just took our time while Ehren was with the boys plus 3 extra kids at home.  Anika was just in Heaven and she wouldn't stop talking from all the excitement.  I think it's so important to spend one on one time with our kids once in a while, which is not easy to do in the midst of all the commitments, schedules, etc.  But kids sure love the time with mom or dad alone, not having to fight for their attention and just feeling special for that one moment.  I am really thankful I had this moment with Ani today, thankful for a husband that made sure we had all the time we wanted and I hope I have many more moments like these with her and my boys.

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