Wednesday, October 12, 2011

breaking the Fall cycle

I have decided that I must be getting old.  Or else it is the "living up North" syndrome. :)  While we lived in the Cities and even when Kade was 2 years old I remember how it was nothing to get up at 4:45am, go to the health club or go for a run outside.  Now, when the fall comes all I want to do is sleep and when that alarm goes off before 6am, more times than not I just turn it off and snooze a bit more before I have to get the kids up for school.  I feel totally pathetic, like an old lady who needs her 9-10 hours of sleep.  Where is my energy going?  I also blame my mom's heavenly goose down comforters she gave us.  Ever since we have them both Ehren and I sleep sooo well (well, Ehren has his sleeping issues like all his siblings but he still loves the comforter).  Especially on cold nights it just feels way too good to get out of by the time the morning comes.  But still, I definitely feel this pull inside of me every Fall to just be lazy, curl under a blanket with a book or a good show instead of being active, workout or something.  I have to really force myself to do the extra stuff when not too long ago I couldn't wait to get out there.  The darkness at 7pm doesn't help me either, but really this bear hibernation feeling is not fun.  Seems like every Spring I try to get myself up and running again because I get so out of shape from the rare workouts over the Fall/Winter.  Usually, the thing that gets me off my butt like a whip is when my pants start to get too snug but somehow, I am not even gaining weight so that stinks because in my "bad" mind I feel like I don't need to workout because I'm still the same size or even losing weight. :)  Anyway, it is time for me to break the cycle this year.  I will stick to more than 2 runs and workouts a week!  :)  I miss my colleagues who would do this with me, one time we had a calendar going with stars for each workout we did and that was a motivator!  Now I don't have that but maybe I should start my own "star" calendar and see if that helps.  Well, I am working out tonight no matter what.  I guess just one day at a time.  Happy Staying-Active Fall to you!


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