I of course was watching the weather forecast like a hawk two weeks ago because I was determined to go skiing with the kids one time this winter and with the warmer weather coming that was fast closing in on us. Last weekend I just looked at the closest skiing hill's web site and saw they had a special cheaper rate that Sunday afternoon so I told Ehren it is our only chance this year. So we did it! We packed up the kids and Kade's friend and went for it. I was able to schedule a first lesson for Kason and Anika since they have never skied before and I don't think I'm any good at teaching it. I was surprised at how well they both did, the weather was perfect and we all had such a good time. Ehren didn't ski this time because we didn't know how long Kason and Anika would last but they both skied until the end. Kason was a little cruiser and had absolutely no fear which really helped him figure it out quickly. I was wishing we had more time to keep going with him but for the first time ever it was enough time. Kade and his friend were having fun too and were just cruising down the hills by themselves so I was glad they had each other while I skied with Kason and Ani. Growing up, we went skiing almost every winter and I forget just how much it is a part of my childhood and how much I miss it. It is definitely one of the few things in life that I miss dearly from my home country. Now I just have to suck it up, freeze and go cross country skiing instead of downhill. :) It is very different but I am learning to enjoy it and pretend I'm in the mountains.
Tonight we had a fun little group date with 2 of our couples friends. We went bowling and out for ice cream. It was just lovely to get together, leave the kids home (and without a sitter!) and enjoy some time out with friends. Another thing that made me think how we need more of it in our lives. It is so easy to get busy with our stuff and just blow friends off because it's too much work to find a time that works for everyone. But I am realizing that making the effort of organizing, inviting people and doing stuff with them is so worth it. One of those friends tonight just found out yesterday that the cancer she battled years ago is back. It should be treatable but it is still a huge turmoil of emotions and why's. I am the first one to admit that I always feel like I don't have the right words to say to the people around me, the right words to encourage or lift their spirits. But sometimes you don't need words. Sometimes just being there is enough, being a friend and do normal things like a bowling date. Because none of us know how much time we have left here.
Esti teším sa, že sa vám to podarilo. Aj Marcelovci mali super počasie, lyžovali do zblnutia, aj malá Tamarka.