Well, the summer is over and I've managed to go the whole summer without a blog post. :) We had a really good summer filled with friends, swimming, cabin, family get togethers and even if we didn't go on any trips as a family it went by really fast. I think I personally was holding on to every day and trying to really enjoy it because the busy life was going to start way too soon.

In the middle of July I got a lead on a job at Edward Jones which was just incredible how it all happened because I was not expecting it or even looking for a job. I was going to be perfectly happy with subbing again this school year but then an opportunity presented to work in the Financial Advising business again and I was very excited about it. The advisor I would work for talked to me about it right away and he needed someone to start in the middle of August to replace his assistant but all the hiring for EJ comes directly from the main office and is the slowest hiring process I have ever seen in my life. So, here I am still waiting to see when I could start but this time we're a lot closer because I have sent them my fingerprints from the police station last week and that is the last step before the background check is complete and they can officially hire me. So it is still not definite which is very hard to chew on or plan/not to plan for but I should know within 2 weeks. It sounds great in that I would start part time and see how I like it and if it is something I see myself doing, in January/February it may turn into a fulltime position.

In the meantime, I am still on the substitute teachers list and it is funny how when it rains it pours. Here I was thinking I would not even hear from the school the first 2 months like last year but I already got multiple phone calls to sub. Today was my first day at the Middle school and next week I'm subbing the whole week at the Elementary school. It is a huge blessing but it kind of makes me smile that it comes right as I'm about to leave the subbing job. But, I knew it was going to be just a temporary job for me, it is very stressful to be in a new class every time and to wake up and not know if I would get called in and for what school. So as far as that goes, I would for sure choose a steady job over that. But I have no idea what EJ might bring and if I'll like it there. I know they are unbelievably busy which I like but every office is different and has its ups and downs.
But what I am so thankful for is that God has given me such peace about the whole thing. He practically dropped this in my lap out of nowhere and even though it sounds very exciting, it's like the first time in my life I feel a great sense of peace about the whole thing, knowing that whatever happens will be good because God is in control. If it doesn't work out, the subbing will be just fine for another year.
Yet with all that hanging in the air about when I would start, I think it made me just really slow down the last couple weeks or so and just enjoy the quiet of our home, the sleeping in, the time with our kids and the stuff that can be really taken for granted. I felt guilty once in a while and like I was very lazy but at the same time a voice inside was telling me "you need this right now, it may be the last summer like this." So I'm not sorry about it and now I feel ready to tackle the business of working, managing our home, kids' activities and all that even though it makes me nervous too. I know it will be a transition, especially as far as managing the home, how I plan and cook dinners and lots of other things.

This week the kids started school. I was mostly nervous for Kade going on to Middle school but he seems to be doing really well. He loves the school, his teachers and how he gets to see so many of his buddies in different classes. I was hoping he'd like it but I didn't think he would be quite as excited and every day he talks and talks to me about all the stuff that happened at school which I don't think he's ever done before. I am so thankful for that and want to just enjoy those moments while they last.

Kason and Anika had a good start too, they both love their teachers. Kason was all ready to go the first day and there's never even a hint of "I'll miss you" :). He's always ready to tackle the world. He already brought home some Math homework and peeking at it I really hope the teacher has something more challenging for him at school because that almost seems like a silly homework to give him who can easily do 2nd grade Math. And Anika is her shy little self, I think it will take her a while to open up again in a new class with different kids. She would not even look at her teacher when we got there the first day. She also just got her new glasses (I guess her vision was way worse than we thought) but she's having a bit of a hard time adjusting to them. She keeps saying how they don't make her see better, that she can see better without them and just doesn't like them but she's been great about keeping them on during the day. So I'm hoping it is doing something and when we go in for a check-up they can make sure they're working for her.
So, off we go into our Fall routine of school, sports, church, youth group and hopefully a new job to start soon. It sure feels like we're entering a whole new season of our life as a family and more than ever we're being conscious of putting our family first and planning nights to have just for us.
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