Monday, September 16, 2013

life of a stay at home mom...

Well, I still haven't subbed anywhere but I guess it's like this until sometime in October.  I even called to make sure I was on the list because you never know. :) Some of my friends tell me to just enjoy it because it won't last long but I am finding out all this free time is harder than I thought.  It is definitely a glimpse into a life of a stay at home mom who doesn't homeschool. :) 

I do love all the quiet time I get in the day, that I'm able to get everything around the house done so that when the kids get home I can just focus on them.  And I can pretty much do anything I want during the day. :)  It is just not very easy for me to enjoy it for some reason.  I feel like there should be a purpose to having all this time, like I should be on a mission to do something so I've been thinking a little bit about that and how I could use my time for something good, to help friends or anything.  Sadly, a lot of friends just say "thanks" but don't let me know how I can help.  It's that Minnesota nice, people don't really take you seriously when you tell them you can help.  And I get their side too because it would be hard for me too to let someone do something for me that I should be capable of doing. :) So anyway, I am really looking forward to getting a first call to sub.  I talked to some teachers I know and they will try to ask for me to sub for them which will be nice. 

In the meantime, I am staying busy at least here at home.  Besides the cooking, baking, cleaning and organizing the closets, I started a new painting and have an idea for another one that will take a lot longer because I want to paint on some old wood that needs a lot of sanding.  I also joined a couple of Bible studies which I haven't been able to be part of the last several years so I'm very excited about that.  And my newest adventure is that I joined a women's volleyball team that plays in a league once a week and starts this week.  I always wanted to play volleyball with someone but all the people I knew liked playing volleyball already had their teams so I kind of gave up on it.  And just last week a woman I kind of know sent out a message about needing one player for their team.  Even though I don't really know the girls on the team, I thought I couldn't pass this by especially now when I have the time in the evening.  So I'm excited and nervous because I'm no volleyball player, just a competitive spirit that really likes to play it. :)  I'm thankful to God for bringing me opportunities like this to meet other women in our community.  It is hard to meet new people when you don't have a fulltime job since all the people I get together with are mostly from our church.  So I'm really looking forward to be able to be out there more and being available for whoever God brings into my life.  Instead of waiting for some of my friends to be available to me maybe I need to be available to someone out there who is longing for friendship or is desperately needing help.  Like that friend of a friend who recently went on 100% bed rest and has 2 little ones to take care of.        

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