Friday, September 6, 2013

first week of school

Well, the first week of school is done and it's gone really well.  I'm actually surprised at how much all the kids love it this year.  Kason who I thought would have a hard time adjusting to all day at school absolutely loves it and when I told the kids this morning tomorrow is Saturday and they get to stay home Kason was pretty disappointed because Kindergarten apparently is more fun. :)  Anika isn't quite as enthusiastic as Kason but she hasn't cried at all and is excited to go to school in the morning.  I'm so happy she gets to see Emily at recess for a bit at least because she really misses playing with her every day.  And Kade loves his first guy teacher.  He wasn't very happy when I pushed for him to get this teacher but now he's saying that he's probably the best teacher he's ever had.  So I'm really grateful for that and what a great Christian mentor to be for tween boys.  Kade's teacher is big into chess and I wish my brother Erik was here to give Kade some pointers because I suck at chess.  I got a set that comes with helpful cards for the beginners but I don't know what I'm doing.  I don't have a strategy, it's just thinking 2 steps ahead. :)  But hopefully Kade gets something more out of playing it in class.

And me, I am really enjoying the quiet house this week.  Even though I had a painful dentist appointment yesterday that took all day and I go again to my dentist in town today, other than that I've been able to get a lot done.  And I can't even describe how weird it feels to drop the kids off at school and go for a run in town just because I can.  :)  Really, I feel very guilty about being able to do it, like I don't deserve it, like I'm cheating somehow and that is how the rich moms live, not me.  But I also totally get those suburban moms now when they say they're the kids' taxi driver because that is what I'm beginning to feel like even though we don't have to drive such long distances.  Taking Anika to dance twice a week, Kade to football, every morning dropping them off at school and so on.  I am making the kids go on the bus home every day now because it saves me yet another trip to town and back and it saves some time to get things done too.  I still really enjoy my break from little people although I'm starting to get nervous too.  Nervous about having to sub and nervous that they won't call me enough and it will get hard for us financially.  So I pray for peace of mind and trusting that God has a plan in all this or He'll show me the way.


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