The first day of school finally came and even though I thought I gave myself plenty of time in the morning, I was still frazzled and a bit stressed. :) Of course, it is because I had to take pictures of the kids before we went and I had to do Anika's hair all nice, neither of which was necessary. I was proud of my 1st day pictures though and sent them to Ehren so he'd be excited and all I got from him was "now we really need that new lense" :) Yes, the time has come when our camera is refusing to take good pictures, zoom doesn't always work and sometimes there is a big blur in the middle of the picture due to someone (ok, it was me) dropping it on the gravel road. Ehren already bought a nice camera from a friend but we need to get a lense for it. I can't wait to take pictures with it.

Anyway, I get so stressed out about first day of ANYTHING and as I kept telling Kade how it's ok to be nervous and scared I think I was just saying that to myself because unlike last year he was just fine today. All 3 kids got up all excited, Kason got dressed in 2 seconds and came into the kitchen looking like a true redneck :) so I sent him back to change into the clothes I got ready the night before. Kason was just beyond excited to go to Kindergarten which surprised me a little because I was expecting him wanting to stay with me. It was the first time I was able to drive the kids to school and I was so grateful for that. Saying good bye didn't go totally smooth but I expected that. Anika hugged me real tight and didn't want to let go at first. But then I walked over to her desk with her and there was a coloring sheet to work on so it didn't take long at all before she's digging into her "task". She loves getting tasks and she's such a hard worker at doing it the best she can.
Next, we went to Kason's classroom and I think he would have been fine if the whole class wasn't sitting in their seats all quiet as mice and all watched what Kason was going to do. And out of all the things I think Kason hates the most when strange people are looking at him so he got his frowny face on right away and then covered his face with a paper so nobody could see him. I was a bit worried about him crying or throwing a fit but I knew the best thing was to leave.
Walking away from the school was strange. No more little kids holding my hand while I'm carrying another one, no more needing to watch out for kids around me as I was crossing the road. I was still nervous for my children though. Funny how some things don't change. My mom would be the same exact way and now it's my turn to feel sick to my stomach when any of my children has to face a tough day, a big test, etc. :)
I had a lovely time with a friend after that and it was so nice to chat with her since I never get to visit with just her alone. I don't even know how but the time flew by like nothing and when I got home it was almost noon. I looked at the clock and thought "it can't be! I still have so much I want to get done in my alone time!" :) It was heavenly to just sit down for a minute and hear - silence. It was the best music to my ear. I've been longing this summer to be still and quiet with nobody around and it finally happened. I loved it and it was just what I needed today.
And it turns out I didn't have to be all nervous for the kids. They all did great and had a fun day at school. Kason was talking 100 miles a minute when he saw me and Kade absolutely loves his new teacher which I'm so glad about. It was a great start to our year and I'm really looking forward to having more family time in the evenings too.