On Sunday after church, it was a very exciting afternoon for the kids as Ehren got to work on setting up the trampoline. I was going to wait longer to buy it but then it went on sale so it worked out great. It was so nice out, the warm sun felt wonderful as we were out there. We did make our project about twice as long because we messed up and had to redo all the strings. :) But it still didn't take very long and before they knew it, all 3 kids were jumping, squealing and laughing on the trampoline. It is so fun to watch their faces, how much they enjoy it and any kids for that matter. Pretty much all of our kids' friends love trampolines and I'm excited to have them over this summer so they can play together. Ehren and I jumped on it some too and it was fun feeling like a kid again. But it wasn't the best thing for my sinus infection that I've had for a few days now because as I was jumping my nose started running like crazy. :) We did all that before we had our couples' Bible study at 5:30.
So today was Kason's official birthday. I can't believe our youngest is 5 years old already. We are definitely moving into a new stage of life - having school aged kids. In many ways it's exciting to see our kids grow and become their own persons and in many ways it gets so much more challenging and scary to parent them, to know what is ok for them to do and what is not. How much activities/sports our kids should be involved in, how much stuff they could have, what they should and shouldn't be learning, reading, watching and the list goes on and on. I just hope we have the wisdom to deal with all that's going to be thrown at us and that we keep our eyes on Jesus and let Him guide us because if we doing it alone we fail miserably.
We finished the day by having Kason's requested dinner - spaghetti and going to the park with nana and papa and Kjell and Jess with their girls. It was a great way to end the day even though I wasn't feeling very good. It was just such a beautiful and warm day today and we really hope the warm weather is here to stay now. :)
this was on Saturday and on Sunday kids wanted to wear T shirts and shorts it was that much warmer :) |
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