Thursday, May 3, 2012


Today must be a day when God is speaking to me. :)  It's been one of those emotional days for me and just little while ago when the kids left me alone for a bit I sat down and wept, telling God how much I miss my mom and how much I'd like to go home and see her.  Most of the time I try to be all tough about it and say I'm doing good, I can handle everything but then once in a while emotions get the best of me and I just let it out and cry.  Because like any other girls, I want my mom here, I miss her and want to be able to hop in my car and go sit in her kitchen and visit.

Anyway, I went outside with the kids because it is just gorgeous out.  I wasn't even particularly looking at the ground as I was walking through our grass but something stopped me and I looked down and saw it - a tiny violet just standing there all by herself.  I took it and just stood there with tears running down my face, trying to see if I can find any other ones.  See, these wild violets are not very easy to find around our house and I was amazed I even found one.  But why it is so meaningful to me is that every Spring my mom would love going on nature walks in the woods where we would pick violets like these.  It is one of the best memories from my childhood of my mom and us as a family going on hikes and look for violets.  And that's why it made me cry because somehow I saw one all alone and it was like God saying: "your mom misses you too and she wishes so much she could be here."  I know, I'm a sappy sap today.  But sometimes it's ok to be.  Because that's how God wired us to be.

1 comment:

  1. Esti vydrž, aj keď nei vždy svieti slnko.
    Ľúbim ťa

