Wednesday, May 2, 2012

back update

My back is finally getting back to normal, after many visits to the chiropractor.  The last 3 weeks I only went once a week so I am hoping it will completely heal soon.  It's been feeling really good lately but I am still scared to do too much too soon.  I just went to the chiropractor this morning and I don't know why, but it seems like every time as it gets one or 2 days before I need to come in my back gets more stiff in that spot which really tells me it's not completely better.  Last time the chiropractor told me that he wasn't sure if he could make my back better at the beginning there, that the knot was so big he thought maybe I would need a surgery.  Well, I'm glad he didn't tell me back then.  I would never have thought it was that bad, but it was the most painful it's ever bin.

And so, last week I did it and postponed my half marathon to next year but at this point I don't have too high of hopes that I'll be able to run the distances I need for that even a year from now.  We'll see, I have to start very very slow which is a bit frustrating. I always want to run the mileage and the speed I am used to so I have to force myself to stop and walk or slow down.  I am going to try to bike more too so I stay active but without putting as much stress on my back.  Even though it's hard to stop cold turkey with running, it is actually helping me be more relaxed and worry free.  Because when I'm following a training plan for a half marathon, I always get caught up in how many miles I need to do on such and such day and how fast and how early I need to get up.  I have to be up around 5:30am if I want to do any running during the week which is not always easy.  It used to be a lot easier for me 10 years ago and now the bed just feels way too good in the morning. :)  But it does get better as the sun is rising earlier and already it is starting to be a nice daylight around 5:45 so I can't wait to be able to get up early and go for a run outside, versus the treadmill.  Soon I'll be able to.

This week I am getting ready for Kason's birthday party that's this Saturday.  Kade and Anika didn't have a birthday party until they were 5-6 but because Kason is watching everyone having a party he really wants one too.  So we'll have a few of his buddies over for some games.  Most of the boys are Anika's age but since Kason loves playing with them that's who I invited, plus I don't know anyone that's exactly Kason's age.  They're either a year older or a year younger.  We'll see how it all turns out, I hope the weather will be nice so we can play outside.  On Sunday we'll have the family over for lunch too so it will be a busy weekend, but that's ok.  Kason is very excited, he's growing up too fast.

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