I am still undecided about the whole chiropractor stuff and if it really helps in most situations. Sure, I hear lots of people say how it helps them so much with their migraines or different pains but I am a born skeptic, a "Thomas" and I have to feel it on my own skin to believe it. :)
I have had this lower back pain for about 3 weeks now. I am pretty sure my increased running is what trigerred it this time. So about a couple weeks ago when it seemed to get worse after my runs I went to see a chiropractor. The first 2-3 times I couldn't tell any difference whatsoever and then one day after I got adjusted something happened and the pain was 100% worse than when I first went to the chiropractor. So I had a bit of a dilemma, do I keep going and see if he messes me up even more or what do I do? The day after I could barely get out of bed and was in a lot of pain all day, like something was pinching a nerve in my lower back. That was last Saturday so when Monday came around I went in again just so I could tell him how much worse he made me feel. :) He said sometimes when he's adjusting the back it can slip down and hit a nerve and when that happens I need to come in asap. It didn't make any sense to me, but whatever. One more day of barely any improvement but the chiropractor told me I needed to come in every morning. In my mind I thought, ok buddy. You have one week and then I'm done if there's no difference. Lucky for him, on Wednesday something finally clicked after he did it and I felt so much better. It felt like the pressure on the nerve was relieved so it wasn't that constant sharp pain anymore. Today is Friday and I think I'm starting to trust the guy a bit more. He says how my back must have been out of line for years and so it's not a quick fix. That would explain my lower back pain I've had on and off for years and me asking Ehren to rub his thumbs numb on my lower back sometime. It would usually start hurting from carrying babies around too much or any time I started running more which I just did a month ago. And every time I didn't think anything of it because it went away after resting but I guess the problem has always been there, it would just get inflamed with putting more stress on it.
Today it feels a lot better and that's great, but I am still bummed because I can't run and all the running I did until now was for nothing because I'll have to start from scratch when I do start again. I'm thinking that I may not be able to do the Fargo half marathon in May, luckily I think you can postpone your registration to the next year so I should be able to run it then. I know I could run/walk it but then what's the point? I can walk 13 miles anywhere, I don't need to go to a race for that.
So that's been occupying my days the last 2 weeks or so. Today is Good Friday and I still think it's strange that it's not considered a holiday in the US and besides kids not having school, everything is business as usual. In Slovakia most people don't work, we would go to church instead. Our church here had a Thursday evening service last night and it was so nice. Not many people came but it was still very nice and meant a lot to me to prepare my heart for Easter. Seems like people are so rushed now with all their activities and even holidays like Easter are a big race to get the house clean, cook for a big family gathering and stuff, but it is nice to have a time in the middle of it to stop and ponder on what Jesus has done for us and how nothing will ever even compare to that. I wish more people in our church did that. Sure, they don't miss a hockey game or a birthday party their kids have been invited to, but they miss going to church without a second thought. Makes me very sad and at the same time I am so grateful to my parents who always made going to church a priority. When I was in 3-4th grade, I was in a sport after school called summer biathlon and I loved it. It was always during the week with occasional Saturday races. But then our coach had to put in a practice day for Sunday mornings which would be the hard running days so it wasn't good to miss it. Back then, especially in the post communist country going to church was not heard of much or if you said you did it didn't mean you went every Sunday. But my dad went to talk to the coach and explained how church is number 1 for our family and everything else is after that, even though I really wanted to be on a team. And guess what, I was just fine without going on Sundays and it didn't hurt me one bit. Yes, some kids were asking how come I don't come on Sundays but that's a good thing for children to go through and explain to their peers. Because kids are so much more capable of standing up for what they believe than many people give them credit for. And it's lessons like that they will not forget when they are parents one day.
Peace and Stillness be with you this Easter weekend so you can focus on the true meaning without too many distractions.
Esti ľúbim ťa