We had a pretty fun and a full weekend here in Slovakia. On Friday we did little shopping and then mom and I decided to go to a park near our town. It has a pretty steep hill and you can take a lift up to the top and just hike down which we did with Ani. Anika loved being on the lift, so high up and it was the perfect weather for our little walk in the woods. We spent almost the whole Saturday with Marcel and Elen and their 3 kids. We went to the zoo in the morning which Anika just loved. There was a dinosour park there with huge dinosaurs and some of them were moving, opening their mouths and making noises. Ani was a bit scared and she would not go close to one of them no matter how hard I tried to show her it is fake. She loved being with the kids all day and really liked playing with her cousin Hanka who is about 3 years old but is almost as tall as Ani. We spent the rest of the day at their houe, playing, biking and stuff. On Sunday Anika was excited to go to children"s church and her and Hanka were so cute afterwards, dancing together and hugging. I"m sure they would become good friends if we were here longer. We also went to visit my youngest brother Adam and his wife Slavka at their apartment because we won"t be able to see them before we go home. They are the only couple with no kids yet so there will be more cousins one day. :) They are also taking a trip to the states in August and will spend some time with us so that"s exciting. Anika is becoming very much herself this last week, giggling with everyone, talking non-stop and just being very social. It is so nice to see her change because when we first came she was pretty shy and I don"t blame her with so much of new things everywhere we went and with not knowing anyone besides me and my mom. Now she is herself more and is having fun with everyone, especially all the kids. It is a bit sad to see because it makes me think of how much we miss out on when our family is so far away but I have to be thankful for what I have, for the moments me and Ani have had with my family and to cherish that. We still have 2 busy days ahead of visiting my friends and family and then Wednesday will be packing and relaxing and getting ready to leave very early on Thursday morning.
Making a traditional Slovak food |
3 generations cooking together |
Ani is excited to try it |
another popular Slovak dish, Anika loved it |
getting ready to get on the lift
the guys in front of us go up with the bikes and terrain bike down te hill |
going up |
looking down from our lift |
at the zoo |
baby leopards |
baby tigers |
all 4 kiddos |
Hanka telling Ani the triceratops is not real |
Hanka and Ani |
Marcel, Elen and Tamarka |
building structures |
biking again |
Adam and Slavka |
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