We had a great time with my brothers" families this weekend. I am not going to write a lot because I don"t have time right now but we took so many pictures I wanted to put some on here so you can at least see what we have been up to.
On Friday we went swimming at a hot springs pool and it was so nice and relaxing. It is not warm enough here for regular pools like Florida. :) But they have warm pools at this place which has a mineral spring coming into them and they actually have to cool the spring way down because the way it is naturally it would be too hot for people to go into. Mostly older people love going there because the hot pools are very good for their joints but I like it too. They have one pool that is just for swimming and it"s not that warm but it is just warm enough that when you swim and it is 40-60 degrees outside you"re not cold.
After that me and my mom went to an opera of Faust and it was pretty good. My first time at an opera even though we thought it was going to be a play, but it was actually pretty easy to understand and they sang very nice, not the high weird singing you always think of when you say opera :) so it was great to experience it.
And then we spent time with my brothers" kids on Saturday and Sunday and it was so nice to see them all together. Anika didn"t really join in on their shooting games but I know Kade would love chasing with the kids and shoot with their lego guns. We also went to a friends" house for a get together with lots of little kids but Anika was not herself by then because she was just exhausted from going to bed late and getting up early.
We are going to do more fun things this week, taking a train to Prague for a couple of days where one of my brothers lives, do some shopping and visit with as many old friends as I can. :) It can be hard when you have so many people you would like to catch up with so I have to prioritize because I don"t want us to be over scheduled and needing a vacation from my vacation.
PS: In case you are wondering I cannot find the apostrophy button on dad"s mac keybord so I am using quotation marks instead. :)
The World Cup is happening right now in Bratislava
so the whole town is upside down, full of fans from all over. I could not
find a guy from the US so at least this Canadian guy |
going to the park with cousins Filip, Hanka and Tamarka |
mom and I only managed to lose a pacifier and a sweater for
the cousins, of course it was stolen right away. :( |
Ani and Hanka |
at the market |
at the thermal pool |
swede field (it is really that bright) |
Slovak National Theater |
Tomas and Ani |
Marcel and Elen"s house |
Add caption |
Tamarka, Ani, Hanka, Tomas, Simon, Filip |
Ani, Hanka, Simon |
Tamarka - the yongest cousin |
Slavka, Simon, Adam |
lots of eating together and laughing together |
Ani is eating great the whole time and nobody can believe
how much she loves pickles |
watching some you tube videos |
playing games and laughing a lot |
brother Erik and his boy Simon |
at a friends" get together |
dad, mom, Tomas, Monika, Erik, Simon, me, Ani, Adam, Slavka, Marcel, Hanka, Elen, Filip
(the whole family minus Ehren, Kade and Kason, and Tamarka who was sleeping) |
just the kids |
me and my brothers in birth order
Marcel, Erik, me, Adam |
me and Ani after a great meal |
all the grandkids love when babka reads to them |
I have tears in my eyes as I look at these. What a blessing it must be to be together with your sweet family. Greet them all for us. Hugs!