Some days, the morning is filled with changing overflowing poopy diapers, feeding bottles, feeding baby cereal, playing with blocks, coloring, playing with play dough, making lunch, cleaning up after lunch, trying to do a couple loads of laundry in between, cleaning up all the toys with the kids, reading books, singing, and then running around like a mad man the last half hour to try the best so Finally, all 4 kiddos are down for a nap at the same time. And I can breathe. I can listen to some Sarah Groves, read an encouraging blog, have my 2nd cup of coffee, talk to God, and just soak up the quietness. There are days like today, when I am getting over a cold and all my body wants to do is rest, take a long nap and those days are when I pretty much live for the nap time. It is one of those tiny pleasures that keep me insane some days. I really feel the pain of the moms whose children won't nap, no matter the age. I have friends whose children won't sleep for more than 30-45 minutes and I really don't know how I would deal with that. All of our kids have been taking at least 2 hour naps and that is just heavenly. Until the last couple of weeks, that is, when our youngest Kason decided he never wants to go to sleep.
All of a sudden he's fighting going to bed at nap time and at night as if we were putting him to jail or something. So this morning my husband very thoughtfully asked if maybe we should stop his naps and that he would probably go to bed at night really easily. I am pretty sure I gave him a look as if he was going to rob me of the most precious thing in the world. There is no way I'm ready for him to stop napping at 2 and a half years old. Noooo! At least a few more months of the little piece of Heaven in the middle of the day, please.
So here I go, sitting in the quiet kitchen for a little bit longer, sipping my coffee and recharging.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
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