Friday, January 7, 2011

Life is Beautiful

Well, as part of this New Years resolution, I decided to try out this blogging thing and see if I can stick with it.  It is not so much for other people to read about my pathetic life, but merely for me to hold on to those beautiful moments that pass us by day by day.  I want to be able to look back and see the many blessings in my life instead of living this robotic life of a busy mom, so focused on the tasks ahead of me on any given day instead of treasuring and enjoying the beautiful moments and mostly living my life to glorify God.

The movie "Life is Beautiful" captured my heart right away and that is why I decided on the name for this blog.  The movie is about a Jewish family of three who is taken to a concentration camp.  Dad stays with the little boy while his wife is separated from them and is in the women part of the camp.  It is just a heart breaking story and I cry like a baby every time I see it.  The passionate love and positive attitude Guido (the main character) has until the end is what makes the movie.  You can't watch it and not think about how much we have and how easy our life is.

It is too easy for me to slip into a negative mode and see all the wrongs in my life and basically feel sorry for myself but I want this to be focused on the light in the midst of the darkness, the little joys I oversee every day.  I can't say I won't write about some struggles I go through because that is sometimes what brings healing, or what makes me see the other side of the coin.  So here it is, just my ordinary life with my ordinary family living in a small Minnesota town, way up north.  Life is beautiful and I can't wait to see how beautiful heaven will be one day.

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