It has been a very busy Fall with me working and kids in sports. Kason did 3 months of Tae Kwan Do and he loved it. It was a trial to see if he would enjoy it and he surprised me because he did not
Recently I read a post online from someone. It was a grown man describing his mom that passed away recently. He was saying how even though he loved her very much, there was always a hardness about her, you could feel her anxiety and anger in the house and she was always rushing to get something done, get ready to go and stuff. And as he was looking at a picture of her as a little girl he felt sad because he knew that little girl did not want to grow up to be a ball of anxiety until she died. For some reason, reading it hit me really hard because I am that girl. It is so hard for me to see past the "stuff" around me that needs to get done right now that I don't see the little boy who just wants a hug from his mom and her taking 10 minutes to really listen and show him she cares. I feel like there are so many missed moments in my life because of the stupid need to try to do it all, to keep up with so and so, and to be seen as having it all together. So right now, I just want to be there. Be present and available. I say that now but when it's a stressful morning, we're already few minutes behind schedule and Kason is missing gloves or a hat for the 100th time, it is overwhelmingly hard to "be there" for him. :) So I pray I can get better at it and can remember the Grace daily.
Next week is Christmas and this year more than anything I am looking forward to some much needed rest and family time. It will be quiet and wonderful. I am actually looking forward to some baking this weekend and just enjoying our home and our family. My mom has always worked so hard to make our Christmases special and it had nothing to do with gifts which they couldn't afford. And now I want to give that to our kids so that one day they will remember the special times and will want that for their kids. I have been blessed by so much even though I don't deserve any of it. I desire to be humble and thankful and filled with God's joy, grace and peace. He is the only one that can give that to me. And I pray that you have a very Blessed and Quiet Christmas wherever you are!