Ever since I got back from Liberia I have been subbing every day and right now I am just hanging in there because I can see the end of the tunnel. :) I really like it but at the same time I am really tempted to say I can't teach at least one day a week so I could catch up on house chores, laundry and stuff. But I really hate to complain about it since so many moms out there, even with babies, have full time jobs and don't come home until 5:30 every night. So really, I have it really easy and I feel guilty for even feeling sorry for myself. :)
At the same time, we're in the home stretch now and I'm ok with the busy subbing because I am beyond excited for the school to be done! The last few years I had to brace myself for what was coming after the school was done because it meant having my own kids plus 5 or so extra kids at our house all day every day and no freedom to go anywhere because I didn't have a large enough vehicle. But this year it is just me and my kids and I am thrilled. I think the first week or two we're not going to do anything at all, we will sleep in, eat whatever, play outside, go to the parks or whatever we want to. The kids are signed up for some sports activities and it will be just enough to keep us plenty busy so they're not bored. Kade might play on 2 soccer teams because the older group that is up to 14 years old is struggling for players and would love to add some of the younger ones. So I hope that won't take over our summer but we can say no to some of the games if we have to.
It was Kason's birthday last week and we had a great time celebrating him. Ehren's parents were going to the cabin for the weekend of Kason's friends birthday party and Kade and Ani really wanted to go with them so Ehren and I were able to spend time with just Kason alone, have fun with his 8 friends and it was great. We don't get to do stuff one on one with the kids when it's both Ehren and I so it was pretty special. He's growing up way too fast and I keep being amazed at how smart he is. I really try not to push him ahead of the kids but somehow, he still learns stuff and right now he would do just fine in 2nd grade. He just picks up everything so fast, he hears something once and knows it. At the same time, he has a hard time sitting still at school and talks when he's not supposed to but I'm thinking it's mostly because he's so bored and the stuff they do is so repetitive to him. I know for a fact that they do a lot of Math and reading, way more than they used to in Kindergarten, but it is still not enough for him. He loves watching what Anika is learning in Math and even that is so easy for him. So I'm not sure what the best thing to do is for him. I know that if I homeschooled him he would be at least 2 or 3 grades ahead of his age but is that what he needs? For next year I asked for a teacher for him that I know is really good at noticing which kids need more challenge so I'm hoping it will be good for him. She also stays on top of her kids pretty well without yelling and that's exactly what Kason needs because he can get pretty wild. He loves life, loves to make people laugh and has just the softest heart. It is very hard to believe my baby is 6. I really am at peace with having just 3 kids but once in a while I feel a bit sad and not because I would want a baby but because Kason would tell me how much he'd love to have a baby brother. And I know he'd be the best older brother too so that makes me sad. I try telling him how in August he's going to have a baby boy cousin and even though he's looking forward to it, he's quick to say that he would still want his own brother. :)
I'm going to post a video of Kason below of his latest Bible verses he had to memorize for Awana at church. He's done so well this year I could hardly believe it. At first I was really thinking the leaders are just letting him pass all the verses without really knowing them but then when I would test him on my own I realized he really does know them, even 2 or 3 weeks later. :) It really feels like it's not fair that for some people it comes so easily while some of us have to really work for it. :)

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