I have to admit I was really nervous for him, but that's nothing new because like my mom I got the nervousness and living the pain that our kids go thru. :) There were about 6 kids from each grade and the first two rounds were pretty easy words but some of the kids got eliminated right away. For some reason, Kade got hard words every single time and he surprised me with a couple of them and I think I would even mess them up if I was up there. :) I already forgot what they were but I was like "oh no, he's done" in my head but he did so great! Kason and Anika were cheering for him and they were so sweet watching their big brother. One of the kids in the first round got a word "Tuesday" and Kason goes: "What? That is too easy!" :) Kade stuck in there for about 4 or 5 rounds until there were just 6 kids total left. Only one other 5th grader was still in and she got eliminated the same round Kade did. After that they started some seriously weird words which no one should be allowed to know how to spell :) so poor Kade was out but with a head held high. I was so proud of him for doing it and not just that but for doing so good.
He told me later he wasn't even nervous much, only at the beginning. My boy is growing up. :) I'm so glad God gave him something positive after the basketball disappointment, something to feel proud about and boost his confidence. Everything bad can be turned into something good and even though he's still bummed that he can't play basketball I can almost see it is making him grow up and mature in a way. I am hoping he is like me and a little disappointment won't stop him but instead will drive him to go further and try harder.
It was a good day and now our evenings/weekends are wide open too because of no basketball practices and games which means more family time and I'll take that. Now if it would just warm up a little for my birthday. :)
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