Well, I had my first disaster kind of day of subbing. I was actually really looking forward to subbing yesterday because it's been a while and it was going to be 1st grade which I love. Or I thought I did. :) The 2 classes of 1st graders I've came to contact with were so nice and respectful so I didn't think the class I was getting would be a complete 180 turn. I was so upset and frustrated last night I couldn't even write about it. :)
The teacher left pretty good notes for me and at the end she wrote to not be afraid to get after the kids and send them to the principal because they are a wild group. Little did I know just how wild they would be. I know I am still very new to this and haven't experienced that many classes but this whole year I have never seen a worse class yet. All the Kindergarten classes I had, even the challenging one, were a piece of cake in comparison.
The day started ok and we read the message from their teacher including how they need to be respectful to a guest teacher but just minutes later I knew that was not going to happen. Another teacher came into the room about that time too and was telling the kids to be on their best behavior for me and at the end of the day I was really wishing she would come back. :)
I guess it always comes down to those few kids that somehow manage to disrupt the whole class and any activity you're trying to do. In this class there were about 5 kids that were constantly running around, yelling and screaming, at some point even fighting, coming up with all kinds of excuses to leave the room and so on. In my mind I just kept thinking how I would love to give them all a good hand spanking with a ruler like in the good old days. And as I tried to deal with one or two of them, the rest of the class would just get louder and louder until I had to yell at them to be heard. I know I don't have enough tricks up my sleeve for dealing with a class like that but that was the last thing I was expecting from 1st grade. At one point I told a boy he has 3 seconds to go back to his spot or go to the principal and he just shrugged his shoulders and said he doesn't care and wanted to go to the principal. So a few kids did but it didn't even seem to matter because after they came back we were right back at the yelling and refusing to do any work at all. There was also a girl who teacher mentioned for having problems with and at first she was ok until she tried to run away from the room so she can play in the bathroom, or just run around the room and yelling random things, at some points screaming on top of her lungs and there was no convincing her to get her Math worksheet done. I was so embarrassed and pretty much ran out of ideas to control the room. During the lunch break I saw some other 1st grade teachers and they just said "yes, that is a tough group" and inside I wanted to scream "you have no idea!" :) I just have never seen such a disrespectful class to each other and to adults.
There were a few quiet moments in the day. When I was reading stories to them, 90% of the class was quiet and listening and just that felt really great so whenever we had a few minutes I would pull out another book to read. I felt really bad for the few kids in the class that were very bright, paid attention and could learn so much more if it wasn't for the constant disciplining I had to do with the other kids. This class also loved using the ipads and since it was inside recess I told them they can have them but if I hear anyone talking or being loud, their ipad will be taken away. So that worked for a while, too bad we couldn't do our lessons on them. :) I was pretty nervous when it was time to go to gym because I had no idea how this class would act in the hallway. So I laid down the law. I had them line up and said if they do not walk quietly in the hallway we will walk to the gym and walk right back to our room. :) They did not like the sound of that because they all love gym but I was glad it worked for that little bit at least. But of course they came back wild as ever and we were back at the beginning.
Needless to say, I felt really discouraged after the day was over and also relieved. Kind of makes you feel like a loser who can't control the kids. I know it's hard when it's the first time with that group and when I don't know what their teacher does as far as rewards/discipline but it still feels like a defeat in a way. I'm going back today to sub for a music teacher and I'm looking forward to it because I only spend 50 minutes with each class. A lot less drama and behavior issues and we can play games which they all really enjoy.