Thursday, January 30, 2014

spelling bee

Funny how you go from a "failure" to something positive in just a few days.  Kade is pretty smart, likes to read and can spell really well.  I knew he could but I didn't think he was one of the top spellers in his class.  A couple weeks ago the whole 5th grade class which is about  130 kids or so had a spelling bee test and Kade was one of the top 6 kids.  I was really proud when I found out.  But Kade wasn't too happy because it meant he had to go to a spelling bee competition in our town for 5-8th graders which was tonight.  He didn't want to go but both Ehren and I told him how this is such a good opportunity for him and it doesn't matter at all how he does, just getting there means a lot.  So he did go and I think he was more ok with it because his friend Cade (the only other C/Kade he's met) was also going. 

I have to admit I was really nervous for him, but that's nothing new because like my mom I got the nervousness and living the pain that our kids go thru. :)  There were about 6 kids from each grade and the first two rounds were pretty easy words but some of the kids got eliminated right away.  For some reason, Kade got hard words every single time and he surprised me with a couple of them and I think I would even mess them up if I was up there. :) I already forgot what they were but I was like "oh no, he's done" in my head but he did so great!  Kason and Anika were cheering for him and they were so sweet watching their big brother.  One of the kids in the first round got a word "Tuesday" and Kason goes: "What?  That is too easy!" :)   Kade stuck in there for about 4 or 5 rounds until there were just 6 kids total left.  Only one other 5th grader was still in and she got eliminated the same round Kade did.  After that they started some seriously weird words which no one should be allowed to know how to spell :) so poor Kade was out but with a head held high.  I was so proud of him for doing it and not just that but for doing so good.

He told me later he wasn't even nervous much, only at the beginning.  My boy is growing up. :)  I'm so glad God gave him something positive after the basketball disappointment, something to feel proud about and boost his confidence.  Everything bad can be turned into something good and even though he's still bummed that he can't play basketball I can almost see it is making him grow up and mature in a way.  I am hoping he is like me and a little disappointment won't stop him but instead will drive him to go further and try harder.

It was a good day and now our evenings/weekends are wide open too because of no basketball practices and games which means more family time and I'll take that.  Now if it would just warm up a little for my birthday. :)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

my princess

In the light of this freezing cold weather, we're starting to deal with stomach flu.  Kason had it Friday but he got over it the same day and then Anika started throwing up early this morning.  Poor girl seems so sensitive to bugs like that and every time she gets something like that it takes a good hold of her.  So we spent today together.  We did some reading and some math but she was almost too weak to hold a pencil, poor girl.  Just around bed time she woke up from a little nap and it was so good to see her doing a little better.  She ate a few crackers and went back to sleep and so far she hasn't thrown it up. :)

Anika had a big day on Friday.  Her and Emily have been going to a classical dance together and this last Friday they had their big recital.  Anika was so excited about it and could hardly wait.  It was a busy week of pictures one night, rehearsal another night and finally the program another night.  I have to admit it is not my cup of tea.  Not that I don't enjoy some dancing or learning some moves, but all that ballerina and princess stuff, the outfits and flowers is a bit too girly for me.  When I was a little girl mom made me wear skirts and dresses and I hated every minute of it. :)  I was a tom boy and sweat pants or jeans and T shirts was all I wanted to wear.  And Ehren could tell you just how many years it took me to come out of the "sweatpants" stage. :) 

So anyway, I just realized now that just because I loved boy stuff and tough sports when I was young that is not who Anika is.  She is girly and gentle and sweet and I need to embrace it about her.  And for the most part I do appreciate what she's like but when it comes to these dance classes it takes me a bit longer.  After the recital Ani was pretty down and I knew why.  She told me she didn't want it to be done, that she loves dance the most.  In my mind I was a bit relieved it was done and was actually thinking we wouldn't sign up for dance again next year but seeing how much she loves it, it is really hard to push her into something else.  And so, I want to be more open to the girly girl I have at least for now when she's little but she better not be too eager to be grow up. :)  The interesting thing is that she is so excited to be on the stage and has a big smile on her face yet so far at every singing performance at school she gets so shy and emotional she cries and hates being on the stage.  So it must be something about the dancing or moving or who knows what because for some reason she doesn't get stage freight.  Talking to Jessica (Emily's mom) was pretty funny because she was telling me how Emily hated putting on the dress for the recital and was saying how she hates dance and never wants to do it again. :) Probably what I would have said at her age.  Somehow I think she mostly wanted to be in dance because Anika did, they're so close.  But as they're getting older and interested in different things I think it's ok to do separate activities.  Ani is my little princess and she loves to dance.  Even if she's not natural at it and has a hard time with some coordination it doesn't mean she should stop.  Her big smile says it all to me and I love her to pieces.

Monday, January 27, 2014

the cold and the disappointment

Well, we are having another windshield advisory day today, with temperatures so low the school is cancelled again.  We've had more snow days this year than we've ever had and it feels like the kids are barely learning anything.  Today I am wishing I had the teachers' lesson plans so I could do it at home with the kids.  They're saying the kids will have to make up days they missed in June, but really that will not help them with learning because by then they're not tackling any new lessons or anything.  So I need to find my own work sheets and ideas for them to do.  Mostly, we all just want it to get warmer so we can be outside, not to mention so we don't have to put all our extra money towards heating.  It is getting pretty bad for some people because there is shortage of propane, the prices are way up and just yesterday they were telling people to use the minimum of the natural gas because there was an explosion in Canada and now they don't have enough gas for everyone.  So a really fun winter for everyone. :)

Kade's basketball got done this weekend.  That was the regular season and they were going to announce the "traveling" team yesterday which is a big deal because you get to have more practices and games until March.  It just blows my mind that they have 13 boys on the team and they cut 3 of them out so they only have 10 for the traveling team when they could easily just take turns playing the game.  But despite that, Kade was doing so well this year.  Yes, he's one of the shortest kids but he's fast and athletic and at least 5 boys were evidently worse players than him and several boys are about the same as him.  So he was so excited about having a chance of being in the traveling team and I was excited for him because last year they didn't pick him.  So the time came when they announced it on the web site and I could not believe my eyes.  Kade was eliminated again!  I was so upset, way more than Kade actually. :)  I just could not understand and still can't how the coaches can be that unfair.  Anyone that has eyes and watched those boys play a game could see that Kade belonged in the team.  I have no words.  This basketball group is made of volunteer coaches which are the dads of the kids in basketball and pretty much if your dad is not a coach or are not good friends with the coach, your chances of getting into a team are very slim.  And that is so sad and makes me really angry at the same time.  But, there's nothing we can do.  I let the coach and the main person know about how I felt at least and he did not deny that it wasn't fair so they know it too and don't care.  My heart just breaks for Kade who tried so hard and could see he's better than those boys yet he didn't make it.  How do you explain it to a 10 year old?  Life is not fair and never will and I'm just praying that this is a good lesson for him to learn.  In the end, I really hope he never quits trying.  I hope he keeps fighting for what he loves doing and for what he believes in.  Even if nobody out there believes in him.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

a tough group

Well, I had my first disaster kind of day of subbing.  I was actually really looking forward to subbing yesterday because it's been a while and it was going to be 1st grade which I love.  Or I thought I did. :)  The 2 classes of 1st graders I've came to contact with were so nice and respectful so I didn't think the class I was getting would be a complete 180 turn.  I was so upset and frustrated last night I couldn't even write about it. :) 
   The teacher left pretty good notes for me and at the end she wrote to not be afraid to get after the kids and send them to the principal because they are a wild group.  Little did I know just how wild they would be.  I know I am still very new to this and haven't experienced that many classes but this whole year I have never seen a worse class yet.  All the Kindergarten classes I had, even the challenging one, were a piece of cake in comparison.
    The day started ok and we read the message from their teacher including how they need to be respectful to a guest teacher but just minutes later I knew that was not going to happen.  Another teacher came into the room about that time too and was telling the kids to be on their best behavior for me and at the end of the day I was really wishing she would come back. :) 
    I guess it always comes down to those few kids that somehow manage to disrupt the whole class and any activity you're trying to do.  In this class there were about 5 kids that were constantly running around, yelling and screaming, at some point even fighting, coming up with all kinds of excuses to leave the room and so on.  In my mind I just kept thinking how I would love to give them all a good hand spanking with a ruler like in the good old days.  And as I tried to deal with one or two of them, the rest of the class would just get louder and louder until I had to yell at them to be heard.  I know I don't have enough tricks up my sleeve for dealing with a class like that but that was the last thing I was expecting from 1st grade.  At one point I told a boy he has 3 seconds to go back to his spot or go to the principal and he just shrugged his shoulders and said he doesn't care and wanted to go to the principal.  So a few kids did but it didn't even seem to matter because after they came back we were right back at the yelling and refusing to do any work at all.  There was also a girl who teacher mentioned for having problems with and at first she was ok until she tried to run away from the room so she can play in the bathroom, or just run around the room and yelling random things, at some points screaming on top of her lungs and there was no convincing her to get her Math worksheet done.  I was so embarrassed and pretty much ran out of ideas to control the room.  During the lunch break I saw some other 1st grade teachers and they just said "yes, that is a tough group" and inside I wanted to scream "you have no idea!" :)  I just have never seen such a disrespectful class to each other and to adults.
    There were a few quiet moments in the day.  When I was reading stories to them, 90% of the class was quiet and listening and just that felt really great so whenever we had a few minutes I would pull out another book to read.  I felt really bad for the few kids in the class that were very bright, paid attention and could learn so much more if it wasn't for the constant disciplining I had to do with the other kids.  This class also loved using the ipads and since it was inside recess I told them they can have them but if I hear anyone talking or being loud, their ipad will be taken away.  So that worked for a while, too bad we couldn't do our lessons on them. :)  I was pretty nervous when it was time to go to gym because I had no idea how this class would act in the hallway.  So I laid down the law.  I had them line up and said if they do not walk quietly in the hallway we will walk to the gym and walk right back to our room. :) They did not like the sound of that because they all love gym but I was glad it worked for that little bit at least.  But of course they came back wild as ever and we were back at the beginning.
      Needless to say, I felt really discouraged after the day was over and also relieved.  Kind of makes you feel like a loser who can't control the kids.  I know it's hard when it's the first time with that group and when I don't know what their teacher does as far as rewards/discipline but it still feels like a defeat in a way.  I'm going back today to sub for a music teacher and I'm looking forward to it because I only spend 50 minutes with each class.  A lot less drama and behavior issues and we can play games which they all really enjoy.     


Saturday, January 11, 2014

warmer weather

colored balloons we did the other day
Well, I got my wish and got a few days in a row of VERY warm temperatures, at least for this tundra in January (not a hint of bitterness there :)).  I haven't subbed this whole week which seemed very strange after being called in so much before the school break.  It is funny how as a mom you are always questioning if you're doing the right thing as far as working, not working, staying home.  And then even if you make a decision you feel guilty no matter which you choose.  :) Maybe not every woman, but talking to friends, it is a struggle for most of us.  I know that in the long run this is good, but it's hard when we could be saving up a lot of money I'm not earning.  But, I do have quite a few days lined up already to sub in preschool and 1st grade so it will be great getting back to that.

Yesterday was Friday and a really nice day outside and since I was staying home I decided I wasn't going to feel guilty and instead enjoy being outside. :) I met up with a friend and we checked out that new cross country skiing trail in town.  We only did a little part of it because she didn't have that much time, but it felt so good to be in the fresh air and the trail is really cute going thru the woods and by the river.  After that it goes on the river for a while and the whole thing is about 5 miles ending around the golf course.  So it sounds wonderful to go out there for a longer run.  There's a group of skiers that meet on Sunday afternoons so I might check that out too because it's more fun going with someone else.

I got back home and thought what a bummer kids have school on such a nice day.  And the thought occurred to me that I could do at least something with them after school.  So I surprised them and picked them up after school (usually they ride the bus home) and we went ice skating to the town's outside rink.  It was nice and we were the only ones there.  We had a snack in the warming house and then I took them to the trail I skied on earlier.  They really enjoyed the trail but Kason and Anika were getting a bit tired by then and there were some parts that had deeper snow so not the easiest for them to walk in.  But I was so glad I did that with them.  It didn't take that much time and it is so good to do something active together outside.  I'm very grateful to my parents who always took us exploring nature or for walks because it stayed with me and now I can't go too long without it.

Today Kade had a basketball tournament in the morning and we all went to it because it might be one of the last ones this season.  It is sometimes a bit painful watching 5th graders play and I would love to just switch places with them to play it :).  But they're learning a lot and slowly improving.  After that we brought Kade's friend to our house and enjoyed a quiet afternoon at home.  We all went outside for a while, some shoveled, some wrestled in the snow, some ran around and some skied.  Now I'm waiting for the last batch of cookies to come out of the oven and life is good. :)  There's always things that try to crepe into my head and worry me, like that unexpected car repair expense this week but despite it I will give thanks for what I have.  Like the 3 babes drinking hot cocoa next to me right now. :)

little cc skiing behind our house

Enjoying hot cup of tea after shoveling

Friday, January 3, 2014


Well, Christmas and New Years is over and we're back into the swing of things.  It was great to be home and not having to go anywhere for a few days.  But somehow it was still plenty busy with family and friends' get togethers and it went by a little too fast for me.  So today I am very thankful for a day at home by myself so I can recharge a bit while kids are at school.

We had a really nice Christmas though.  Our little family celebrated Christmas Eve together which I just love probably because that's what I grew up doing.  We don't leave our presents under a tree before Christmas and it brings so much more excitement to the kids when we come home from the Christmas Eve service and they see all the gifts that angels brought (another thing I grew up with).  It was just a nice family time and before we opened the presents we did something different instead of reading the usual passage that we read at church and other places already.  It was Ehren's surprise for all of us and made our night more special.
Ehren was busy making a little wooden stool while I got the dinner ready and after we ate we went on a "journey" around the house, with the stool.  Kids had no idea what it was for but they were excited to do something different.  It actually did feel like a journey because the snow was almost up to our knees and poor Kason had to jump like a rabbit. :) Anyway, we were pretending to be Mary and Joseph and talking about a long journey to Bethlehem.  We stopped at one point close to our woods and we pretended we were looking at the shepherds with their sheep and then looked at the sky to see where the angels would have appeared.  And we made our way  to the front of the house where our only Christmas lights are - a lit up Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus.  The last couple winters we had a joke going around how Mary and Joseph are always looking for baby Jesus because he was always buried in the snow.  So our big finale was to put the baby Jesus on the new stool Ehren made so he was no longer lost. :)  It was really cute, something different and makes me think of other things like that we can do next Christmas. 

Kason and Anika were really excited to open presents and they both got lego sets which they have been getting more into recently.  Especially Anika was so excited and kept saying over and over how she got the perfect gifts and it is the best Christmas ever!  Kade is getting a bit older and even though he does get excited to open gifts, it's not the same as when he was younger.  He is starting to get to a point when he can't even think of anything he would want when we ask him what he'd like for Christmas.  Mainly it's because he feels bad asking for something that costs too much and he also doesn't feel like he needs anything.  His favorite thing must have been an under armour sweat shirt that I know he's been wanting but didn't ask for it.  It is funny but when you go to Elementary school or Middle school in our town, you'll see kids wearing these everywhere, almost like it's some uniform. I am not about following the crowd with the clothes but Kade only wants to wear sports clothes so I thought I could get him at least one hoodie.  But, I'm not sure if it was a smart thing to get because now I am waiting and waiting for him to take it off.  He's been wearing it every day and I think if he could he would sleep in it too. :)

On Christmas Day we got together with Ehren's family and it was great to be together and have the cousins play and have sleepovers together.  There are 9 Hanson cousins and they are great kids.  It's 6 girls and 3 boys so they are a bit outnumbered but they still have fun.  And we just found out that Kjell and Jess are expecting their 3rd in August so it will be an even 10.  We are very excited for the new baby in the family and our Anika was so excited to hear about it.  For some reason, when my niece Emily found out she was very upset and cried for a long time because she didn't want a baby brother or sister. :)  Our Anika was there shortly after playing and Jessica overheard them talking.  Anika was trying to help Emily feel better so she said "don't worry Emily, sometimes babies die." And Emily said "you're right, they do die sometime" :) I could not believe that even came out of Ani's mouth but I know she didn't mean it in a way that she would wish for it to happen.  I think it was us talking a while back about little babies dying because there was a friend who lost a baby and our kids saw the pictures of the tiny baby.  I think we need to have another conversation about that though.

I have been just waiting and waiting for a warmer day so I could go cross country skiing.  They just groomed a brand new path for skiers in our town so I'm really anxious to go but it will never warm up enough.  We had one day here and there over the last 2 weeks that was ok but we were either doing stuff with the family or I was watching our kids and Emily and Aveah so I couldn't go.  We did at least do a bit of skating (in the indoor arena) and one time we went sledding which was fun, but the kids are really bummed they can't be outside more especially when they had the week off school.  We go through this every winter seems like but this year it started way earlier.  Today Kason was asking when we'll be able to build a snow man.  Poor guy will have to wait until Spring for that I'm afraid. So, we're praying for a warm-up soon so we can enjoy the outdoors more.