And they did, as usual around 7:15am I got a call to sub
at the Middle school. An art teacher got sick and didn't leave any notes
or anything. But even though it was a bummer I couldn't use all the
cool supplies they have and do some art, it was actually a super low key
day. You can't even compare it to a day at the Elementary school where
you are stressed to the max the whole day. I still prefer the stress
:) because that's how I am but really I needed a day of chilling and
rest in the middle of a crazy few weeks.
This morning I got a call again from the Middle
school because the same teacher was still sick. But the secretary
assured me there are sub plans in her e-mail inbox that she'll print out
for me. I was actually a bit excited to see what I get to do with the
kids, only to find out it was 2 simple drawing sheets and one didn't
even work to print. If I knew that I would have printed something at
home we could do. Oh well, back to an easy day it was. At least the
kids were very good and respectful which helps a lot. During my lunch break I was able to find another sheet that was harder for the last 3
classes to work on so that was good because they took most of the class with them.
But it is funny how it all worked out. Just 5
minutes after I told the Middle school I would sub there, I got a call
from the Elementary school asking me to sub. If the Middle school never
called, I'd be way more stressed and tired to get stuff done at home in
the evening. So I'm thankful today for those little things.
This weekend I got my nice warm mittens stolen, at
church of all places. I was really upset mostly because it is freezing
cold already and they were the only mittens that kept me warm enough and
still allowed me to drive and grab things as I'm going places. But,
God had something else in mind and when I thought for sure I wouldn't
find any good mittens in our small town, the Fleet store had these
awesome leather mittens with lamb wool inside for only $15. I was so
excited and they are also so much warmer than my other gloves were. So
in a way it was a blessing to have my gloves stolen. :)
Talking about blessings, on Sunday we found a card
in our church's inbox from an anonymous friend. They were thanking
Ehren and I for all we do at the church and there was a $50 cash in it.
We were both shocked and would love to know who did it. It is just so
unexpected and the person doesn't even know how it blessed us because
money is tight around this time of the year.

So much to be thankful for and so much I don't
deserve. Tonight some of my best friends came over for a girls
Christmas ornament exchange and it was so nice to fellowship with these sweet ladies. I'm really glad I took the time to do it and plan for it. I love spending time with them. Here is the picture with our ornaments. It was taken by a very bad camera so it's not the best picture but at least something. Fun girls night for sure!
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