Not everyone knows this, but I've never been a phone person. I'm not one who can talk on the phone for hours and usually hide when I do get on it so I don't hear the kids yelling and screaming which is what they do the very minute any mom gets on the phone. :) It probably has to do with growing up where local phone calls were expensive and you just didn't use it to chat, it was always quick say where you're meeting and hang up. :) So I never got into it and to this day I could care less about cell phones and most of the times I don't answer it anyway because I either can't hear it or find it in time.
So I've always been just happy with my little tract phone, paying $30 every 3 months or so. It worked when I needed it to which is what I needed. The last couple of years we've been talking about getting rid of our land line but mostly because I do day care I wanted to keep it. So now that I'll be done with it, we can finally say good bye to the land line phone. We barely even used it anyway and if I can get a calling plan on a cell phone that costs less than half of our land line bill, I'll take it.

So Ehren did the research because he's my personal tech guy for every need :). He thought I should get a motorola droid and I agree, it is a nice phone and I love all the free apps I can get. Although our kids love the apps even more because they're already starting to fight about who's turn it is to play with mom's phone. :) But overall, for $12 a month and no contract you can't go wrong with it. The only thing is, from now on I have to get better at answering it but people can always leave a message which seems like nobody does anymore. People either want to talk to you and can't wait or they text you so they can avoid even having a conversation. It is becoming a different world for sure, where people get together and they all pull out their phones instead of talking to each other. And teenagers would much rather text to the friends sitting next to them than to have a real conversation. The phones are becoming almost a part of them and if someone asks them to turn it off and place it in the basket for a while they feel like someone just asked them to strip down. I am just waiting for the day when the time comes in our family where we have to have rules about cell phones and stuff.
And in the light of my new phone, I have to write about my morning. So I decided today is the day I am getting up and exercise. :) I had to try out my new phone for an alarm clock of course. I am a very light sleeper in the morning and any obnoxious loud alarm clocks make my blood boil so I tried to pick the most mellow ring I could find. But since the alarm clock on there had barely any choices I downloaded a new one and it seemed great. Until I woke up to a loud GPS kind of voice saying "It is 6 o clock!" and then beeping and buzzing and something else loud 5 minutes after that. I didn't just have one but 2 alarm clock apps going at the same time. In a way, maybe it was a good strategy because it made me so upset I couldn't go back to sleep. :) But I will make sure that won't happen again. I am really glad I got outside for a bit before the kids woke up because it was a beautiful morning and just the right temperature too. :)
Esti, ja povazujem neustale zmeny mobilovych telefonikov a ucenie sa novym a novym sposobom ich manipulacie za jednu z foriem boja proti alzheimerovi ... a hned mam k tomu iny vztah ... a budik v mobile mam jemny zvuk harfy ...
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