Ehren mentioned the other day how I haven't posted anything for a while. It's true and I don't have any good reason for not posting on here. Kind of like I have no good reason to not get my butt out of bed early so I would get back to running and working out. :) Getting so very out of shape and the longer the "break" the harder it is to get back to it. But I know I need to so hopefully very soon.

We said good bye to my parents almost 2 weeks ago. Ehren and I couldn't appreciate their help more and I'm sure we accomplished as much as we would in at least 3 summers on our own. :) They both worked so hard and helped us in more ways than I can count. The thing Ehren and I are most excited about is having our deck all finished. It was a huge project but they did it all, even the steps which dad and Ehren were not sure if they could pull off. :) It is so nice to be sitting out there, listening to the birds singing and enjoying the outside. After about 7 weeks of my parents staying with us, it is also good to get back to normal, having all the responsibilities of cooking/cleaning/housekeeping like before and I know they couldn't wait to get back to their home, food, etc. :)
Enjoying the finished deck:
A day after my parents left we had a huge storm that broke our swing set into pieces but luckily that and some more trees down in our woods was all the damage at our place. Ehren did a great job turning the pieces from the swing set into a tree
house and the kids love playing on there. I think it's way better than
it was before. Thief River made the news because it looked like after a hurricane, huge trees down all over town and trampolines flying everywhere. But not our trampoline this time - thanks to my dad who ankered it way down to the ground so the 100 mph winds didn't take it down.
After the storm:
After the remodel:

Last week I got busy pulling out all the baby things I don't need to keep anymore. There's a facebook page where you can buy and sell used kids' things if you live in our area and that works perfect for bigger things. I sold 3-4 pieces for about $130. It is a great feeling to be able to get some money back on some things and to get rid of things at the same time. In a way, this is my way of saying good bye to daycare. Now there's no turning back because I am getting rid of almost everything I would need to take care of infants/toddlers. :) I'm also excited to make more room in our kids' bedrooms as they are quite taken over by the little kids' toys they don't play with anymore. So I had a lot of fun getting rid of stuff, except our jogging stroller. Somehow, over the course of having 3 babies and taking care of more I grew really attached to it. Maybe in a way it was because it was a gift when we were expecting our first - Kade and I loved every moment I spent running and walking with him as a baby. The more kids we had the less I used the stroller for every day walks/runs because it just doesn't happen as easily as when you only have one baby. So the time came and I said good bye to my buddy jogger. The lady who bought it from me was so excited which made it a lot easier to give it up. Their son is 3 and has a heart problem which makes him very tired walking but he's getting heavy to push in a regular stroller so this will be perfect for them. I'm really glad it is in good hands now and it's not just sitting in our basement waiting for who knows what.
So that is a bit of what we've been up to since my parents left, skipping lots of things like Kade's big soccer tournament last Saturday (they got 2nd place after playing for over 5 hours straight), going swimming a few times, going to the parade and fireworks, then fair with Emily, and some other things in between. :) We keep waiting for a few days of complete nothingness going on but I guess that's not going to happen very soon.