Thursday, April 11, 2013

new smile

Today I got a new smile!  A temporary one but still new.  I am so glad I am done wearing that retainer.  Eating with it was almost impossible so at home I would leave it out for hours only to frantically look for it when someone knocked on the door. :)

Last week I had these "healing caps" put in which was weird because metal screws were sticking out of my gums.  I took a picture of it to put in here but I must have deleted it because now I can't find it.  Oh well, it was pretty gross anyway. :)  Today I went to my local dentist who took those caps out and put the screws in there that will hold the crowns.  It took him almost 2 hours because he had to keep adjusting everything and trimming and stuff.  Once he got those screws in there he made a mold of the 2 missing teeth using the stuff they use for teeth fillings.  So that is why it is temporary, these teeth are not durable, don't have the right shape or color.  I think the part I hate most about this whole process is how many appointments it is taking.  I just want to be done!

But, today I am glad for having teeth where a big whole was and for not having to think about the retainer anymore.  You would have to really study my teeth under a bright light to notice that those 2 are not mine so it's really nice that way.  Now I have to let the gum tissue heal up (it is all black and blue on the very top where the implants are) and in a couple months they will put 4 crowns in the front so that they all have the same shape and color.  At this point, I am just happy to not have missing teeth though. :)

Here are a couple pictures, not sure if they show the teeth well but just so you have the idea.  My lip was still numb so it was hard to smile even. :)  I like that the teeth are not so big anymore, the retainer was big and bulky so this is 1,000 times better.



  1. Hooray for a 'new' smile! You have been such a good sport through all of this and I am excited that there is a light at the end of your tunnel!

  2. tešíme sa z tvojho úsmevu, a že nemáš stress, keď hľadáš gumáky na zuby. Mama ide tiež k zubárke, lebo jej ľavá strana akosi nesedí, že vraj nevie tam hryzkať...
