Thursday, March 21, 2013

airports stories...

Well, I have yet to encounter a trip to or from Slovakia without any flight/airlines issues.  We were supposed to leave this morning and got up around 4:15am to catch a 7am flight from Vienna.  Dad had to go to a meeting so we just said good bye and a few minutes later I was having flash backs to when Ehren left us at the airport and I was stuck there without being able to call him.  This time, the Austrian lady was telling me I was not on the flight to Frankfurt, in fact my ticket was booked starting in Frankfurt.  I started panicking in my head because if  I don't get to Frankfurt I would miss the connecting flight and so on.  Another lady gave me a phone number to call, supposedly someone from United Airlines in Frankfurt that could help.  I used one of my few Euro coins I brought with me only to hear an angry woman on the other side tell me I can't use this number and hung up before I could ask anything.  I was starting to freak out a little bit then and just prayed and prayed that it would all work out. 

Luckily there was a nicer lady at a desk where passengers can purchase new tickets.  I told her all about what's going on and thankfully she found a number to call a United Airlines agent and she called them for me which was great because I was on hold about 45 minutes and would not have enough money at a pay phone.  The agent new right away they made a mistake with my e-ticket so they tried to rebook the whole thing but since Lufthansa is on strike in Frankfurt nothing was flying there or Munich.  They found another flight that goes directly to Washington DC from Vienna but I already missed the one for today so we have to wait until tomorrow (Friday) morning to leave.  It is kind of funny because when looking for our tickets I was trying to find one to fly back on Friday but they were way more expensive so we did Thursday instead. Actually, it works better for Ehren and the kids on Friday too because we get to Fargo at 10pm and home after midnight so having Saturday to sleep in is very nice. 

So we got to spend more time with my sister-in-law Elen and her kids.  We went to my mom's for lunch and Kason and I took a nice nap because we were both exhausted.  Now our flight leaves at 10:20am so we don't have to get up that early in the morning which is really nice.

So all in all, the bad thing turned out to be good because if I had a good ticket to go to Frankfurt I might have been stuck here anyway or else stuck there because the airline is on strike.  I'm bummed about not seeing Kade, Ani and Ehren and I know they are very disappointed to not see us tonight.  But, that's flying internationally - you can never be sure if your plane is going to leave or if it's going to leave with you in it. :) 

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