Friday, February 8, 2013

sick kids

Normally, when you think of sick kids you feel really bad for them and their moms and dads because it takes extra energy to take care of the kids while most of the times the parents get the virus from their little ones.  I don't ever wish on someone's kids to be sick but ironically, the best blessing for me these days is when one of the daycare kids is sick.  I feel bad for the little ones and the parents but at the same time I'm smiling inside because it means a much easier day depending on who is sick. :)

So this week has been one of those - easier and quieter because 2 little boys were sick.  They weren't gone the whole week but even just one day here and there of less kids makes a huge difference.  At the same time, I usually end up getting something from them and this whole week I think my body is fighting something because I have had no energy and am ready to go to bed at 8 with our kids.  So I think in a way God knows how tired I am this week and this is His way of lightening my load for me.  Makes you think how many times other people's troubles, little or small, can be someone else's blessing.  Hopefully I remember it next time something frustrating happens to me because maybe in that moment there is someone who's being blessed because of my misfortune. :)

Happy Weekend to everyone!  More snow on the way for us and we're hoping to do some sledding and playing outside.      

Kason and his best buddy Carsten

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