Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I feel very blessed today.  A friend of mine asked me if I wanted to go to the Cities with her for a "Women of Faith" conference this past weekend.  She was going there with her mom and her mom's friend so it only made sense to have her own friend along.  It was a hoot!  It was so nice to visit with these ladies on our long drive there and back, it went a lot faster than when we go there with our kids. :)  I got my tank filled up for a while I think.  And the conference was amazing.  Of course, there were things here and there that weren't perfect, like the crowds of women during breaks (there were 11,000 women in one arena) and the music was so loud we had to cover our ears during most of the songs.  But all the speakers were so good, there was a lot of crying in the arena because each one of them had such heart breaking stories to tell.  It really encouraged my faith and made me feel so thankful for what I have in my life.  After some of those stories I just wanted to run home and hug my kids really tight. :)  There was also a Christian comedian Ken Davis and he was so funny we laughed really hard.  I wish he had a tour in our area so we could go see him.  I would be ok listening to him the whole conference. :) So, overall it was just a wonderful weekend away for me.  Ehren was taking care of our kids at home and a part of the Saturday he watched all 7 cousins at our house.  I'm so thankful for him and that he encourages me to get away and recharge.

It was pretty funny when I got home because Kade and Ani were just excited to see me but Kason came up to me with his arms crossed tightly and a very mad face.  It took him good 15-20 minutes to stop being mad and after talking a while he let me know that he was very mad because I left him at home and didn't take him with me.  Ehren had quite the time with him too, having an attitude and stuff while I was gone.  He processes feelings so differently but after a while he was back to himself and was my sweet boy again.  Funny how just me being home changed him and the next day he was really good everywhere he went.  I guess he's very much a mama's boy. :)  I was pretty wiped out physically when we got home because I didn't sleep much either night but emotionally and spiritually I am renewed.  Now it is back to school week, back to our busy schedules and running around.  I hope I can start my days always thanking God for all that He blessed us with and to keep my eyes on Him throughout the day.

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