Leslie Frazier |
We had a great weekend in the Cities. The weather wasn't all sunshine but we still had plenty to keep us busy and it has been the most I've driven around the freeways in the Cities in a loooong time since Ehren didn't go with us. I do miss driving in the Cities, I love the fast freeways and the changing scenery. I wouldn't like it if it was during rush hours :) but on a weekend it's great. We managed to take 5 kids to the Children's Museum and Como Zoo so kids had a lot of fun with that even though I was a bit exhausted from it. :) On Sunday we went to Grace & Kevin's church (Ehren's aunt) and Leslie Frazier (MN Vikings Head Coach) was speaking there. It was great to hear him talk and he had a lot of God's wisdom to share. I didn't even think of going to meet him afterwards or get a picture with him but we only had a few minutes to talk to Grace and Kenzie and Kelsey and they were with him at one point. So they invited us in the little room and we got to shake hands with Leslie and he asked Kade a couple questions so Kade felt pretty proud. Grace and Kevin took a picture with Leslie then and Grace asked if we wanted a picture and I said "sure" so that is how we got in on the picture too. Ehren couldn't be more proud that we got to do it and I know he would have loved to see Leslie too.
We spent the weekend with a friend from Slovakia who married a Minnesotan like me. They have 2 little girls, a 3 year old Hanka and a 6 months old Sophie. It was nice to spend the time with them and get to know their little family. Hanka talks Slovak very nicely so I know I need to step up my game, I just have a really hard time talking Slovak 100% to my kids when we have other kids here and when I need to say most of the things twice, with a translation. I really wish we could go to Slovakia more often because they would be forced a lot more to learn it. So I'll see if I can change anything. I know it is me who has to change, not the kids. It's just the will to talk Slovak all the time and I don't know why it's so hard for me. It's not hard at all if I have someone else to talk to in Slovak but when it's just talking at the kids it's somehow different. So I'll try and see. I keep thinking of people who get nannies who only speak Spanish and the kids are forced to learn it so I should do that with Slovak. :)
I thought Kason was so cute this weekend. Somehow hearing a lot more Slovak talk at my friend's house, it reminded him of babka and dedko (grandma & grandpa) and he kept asking me when are we going to visit babka. I felt so bad for him because he's already 4 and hasn't been able to go there yet. I think he thought since we're visiting my Slovak friend, our next stop should be babka & dedko. :) Hopefully before too long we get to go there. My parents are planning a trip here next year so it will be great to see them. Years seem to just fly by when you have kids and we have to start planning trips like 5 years ahead. Especially starting to save money for those trips because it is so expensive to go there.
Talking about years flying by, today is our 13th anniversary! When you say 13 years it seems like a long time but to me it seems like it went by really fast. It is hard to even remember what it was like before we had kids. :) Life sure gets busy when you have kids, but it is so worth it and I feel so blessed through them and through my husband. I'm so glad that Ehren and I are standing strong together and our kids are able to have a home with both mom and dad. It is sad to see how many kids nowadays live with a single mom or dad, or are a part of blended families. Life is so different for them and just the example of their mom and dad and how come they aren't together. I know a lot of people say it's life, that's how it is and they just get used to it but I think it is painful for those kids. So I am thankful we can give our kids the example of having a mom and dad who love each other. And even though they fight and argue sometimes, they work it out and work on their relationship because it matters. So here's to another great 13 years and more!
Anika during her soccer game - she is really enjoying it now |
my friend Danka and her baby at the museum |
Curious George at the Childrens Museum |
Sparky the seal - Como zoo.
Kids loved watching his little show |
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