Wednesday, January 11, 2012

sofa table

I got an early birthday gift from Ehren - he built me a sofa table.  I can't stop looking at it, it looks just like I imagined it to.  I got an inspiration on Pinterest (of course) which led me to a blog with step-by-step instructions on how to do it.  So Ehren didn't have to come up with it on his own, but he did tweek it a little bit to make it look nicer because the original was showing a lot of the pressed wood surface and ours now shows more of the real wood which looks a lot better.  I spent some time staining it black so that the wood grain would still show thru and it's great.  I can't say enough about it, it's perfect.  I have to say Ehren did a great job with it and he's discovering that he really likes projects like that for which I'm really glad.  The whole project came to around $70 after Ehren got the extra decorative pieces but the cheapest bookshelf I found at Ikea that is very similar to this (but it is painted solid black) was $190 so we saved a lot of money and it is ours, it is so much more valuable when it is something we made ourselves.  Of course, this is leading to new projects now :), one that I've been thinking about for a while is a big dining room table.  I really want Ehren to build one but first I need to find enough of old wood we can use for the top.  So it may take a while for that but we do have a table there right now, the problem is that it only sits 6 people and if we have anyone over besides the 5 of us, we have to put someone in the kitchen or have 2 tables in the dining room.
So here are the pictures of the sofa table:
Ehren's job is finished

starting to stain - I got a bit high from it :)

In its place - stilll need to figure out what to put in all the bins,
but I'm sure we will fill it up.  The lamp is temporary, I want to find a nicer one for it.

another pinterest idea - easy kids paintings.  They loved it especially
Kade because he finally made something that looked cool, like he said.
I finally got to cross country ski with Audrey.  It was so much fun
and I could have kept going for hours.
Kason and Ani are sending us off

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