Friday, August 12, 2011

today in pictures

Today (actually written yesterday :)) - just an ordinary day and an ordinary evening.  And yet a little something that made me smile and made me grab the camera.  I found these in our little garden.  And when I say little, I mean Little.  Actually, I don't think I've seen anyone around here say they have a garden and not have a huge piece of land designated to all kinds of vegetables and berries you can think of.  But today I don't care.  Today I have a tiny produce from my tiny garden and it is sooo juicy and sweet.  I am so thankful our kids love to eat cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes just freshly cut, no hiding them in some salsa, salad or spaghetti sauce.

The peppers are taking off, even though it seems like we have 3 or 4 different types of them growing and it is hard to know when a pepper is ready to pick.

Flowers are still blooming nice, even the one on the right will bloom soon that appeared totally dead last year.

and today we had our usual weekly meal for dinner - homemade pizza.  I used to make just one pan but with our growing kids, we only have a few pieces left now when I make 2 big pans. :)  I love making my own dough and for years I had no idea just how very simple it is to make it.  I also don't remember the last time we ordered a pizza just for our family and I'm so happy about that because this is so much healthier and so so much cheaper.

1 comment:

  1. Esti, ani nevieš akú radosť mi robí pozerať sa na obrázky, a na veci ktorými Ťa požehnáva Pán Boh. V zmysle Žalmu 1,3:
    "...ako strom zasadený pri vode, čo prináša ovocie v pravý čas, a jeho lístie nikdy nevädne; darí sa mu všetko, čo podniká..."
    Ešte by si mala dať tam jednu fotku, kde je vidno všetky tie kolesá spolu, aby to dávalo zmysel.
    Aj tie kvety pri dome sú úžasné, jednoduché a krásne... tešíme sa s Tebou a s Vami
