Friday, June 24, 2011

our soccer life

Kade has loved playing soccer since he was 3 years old.  Up here it means playing soccer in the summer time for about 2 months.  When he was younger, the week after the soccer season ended he would start asking when he can play soccer again.  I felt pretty bad for him that for the most of the year he can't play it and for probably half the year he can't even try to play with his friends because it's too cold for it.  As Kade is getting older he is starting to really love this sport and he really appreciates and enjoys every moment of it.  It is so fun to watch him blossom in it and this year must be the first time that I'm thinking to myself " wow, he is really good!"  And that is something for me to say because I'd be the first one to not give out any false compliments to my kids.  But watching Kade out there is so fun because he is pretty good and he is trying so hard.  Of course, he's no Maradona but I am surprised at how much of a natural talent he has when he really doesn't play the sport that much throughout the year.  It is so funny because here is me, a mom who is very much against parents pushing their kids into all kinds of sports, and having their lives evolve around those sports, yet a part of me is sad Kade will never have an opportunity to play soccer on a higher level.  We also try to be careful around Kade so he doesn't get too big of a head but he just thrives on acknowledgments.  Some adult was telling him what a great soccer player he is and after scoring his first few goals he wanted to know what his chances of becoming a professional soccer player were.  I pretty much told him his chances are super slim since where we live it's either hockey or baseball and I'm guessing Kade will not be playing either of those.  We ruled out hockey right away because of financial reasons and the commitment and sacrifices our whole family would have to make for it.  And baseball so far has always been during the day and I can't possibly drive Kade to town every day for that so that's the reason he can't do it.  That leaves him with soccer but I am NOT complaining, plus he's probably best at it from doing any other sports.

I've always loved soccer.  My 2 older brothers played soccer with friends from the young age and since I had to tag along with them they would either put me in one of the goals or I'd get to play with them.  Neither team wanted to pick me, of course, since I was a girl but I am pretty sure I got quite good at it eventually.  My oldest brother Marcel actually played on a soccer team for a number of years (I think he broke his arm 3 times doing it) and somehow watching Kade reminds me so much of him.  The moves he has, the focused look.  Kade's facial expressions remind me of Marcel anyway but when he's playing soccer it sometimes feels like I'm going back in time (minus the TRF team dress shirt) and am looking at my brother. :)  Or a quite shorter version of my brother.  Kade is one of the youngest kids on the team and he is one of the shortest but he's also one of the fastest.  So here we are, Ehren and I as proud as can be of Kade and we are entering the world of the soccer families.  The thing about it is that it's not a drag for me at all to go to the games.  I love watching Kade improve and have little pep talks during and afterwards.  Ehren loves it just as much and even though this year he's not coaching Kade he might start again next summer.  Anika already said she wants to play soccer next year so we will see how it goes for her.  She's the kind of person who will enjoy anything in the world that happens with other kids, but truthfully she is not very athletically gifted.  I will never discourage her from doing something because she may not be very good at it though.  It makes me smile sometime just to watch her struggle with things other kids can do so easily, yet it doesn't bring her down at all.  She is just excited to be in their company and excited to be trying something new.  And I just love that about our Ani, I have so much to learn from her already. :)

So to see a glimpse of our soccer adventure, here are some pictures and video clips.  At Kade's age they use these little goals with no goalie but next year it should be the bigger size goals - if they let Kade get in with the rest of his class mates.  According to the birthday cut-off he shouldn't be in this group, but I'd want him to go to a higher level and stay there an extra year so he gets better practice there, but we'll see.

this little boy tripped Kade 3 times as he was about to score.  Pretty frustrating but I guess that's how they play at that age.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Just some pictures

Here are a few pictures from our first trip to the cabin this year.  It wasn't very warm and it was somewhat wet, but that's ok.  We had a fun and mostly relaxing weekend there.

And surprise surprise, I have a few plants growing in my garden!

our kiddos growing up


taking a bit too long of a walk for Kason and Ani

Kade helped nana pick wild flowers 

having a serious conversation with dad
enjoying the boat ride

mom roasting the marshmallows while they're waiting patiently 
me and Kason enjoying our treats
sunsets are the prettiest from this swing
the view from the swing

tiny cucumbers are coming out

I did not expect tomatoes this early with how cold it's been
I'm so excited our bell peppers seem to be going strong, unlike last year

the front of the house - not quite done.  We need to find some plastic window
covers to put over the windows

Friday, June 17, 2011

the bed

I think every couple has their little quirky things they like to argue about.  Ehren and I can find agreement with most things fairly easily but somehow, our bed is an ongoing issue for us.  And by that I mean the bed in a physical sense, in a sense of sleeping of course. :)  You see, I grew up sleeping on a bed frame that my dad built which was sitting on the floor so I would lie just inches away from the floor.  This is pretty normal in Europe and most of the beds they have are very low which is what I prefer.  And then I married a man who comes from a country where most people prefer to fly in the air as they sleep, at least that's what it feels like when you finally climb up to the top of their beds.  Needless to say, we both like completely different beds.  Quite a few years ago I got my wish and we bought a low bed frame that I love, but Ehren doesn't love the fact that I don't want to use the box spring with our mattress on it.  The reason is that when you add the box spring to our already very thick mattress it is way too high for the bed frame or my taste.  So we argued about it for a while and recently Ehren decided to put the box spring on because he says it helps his back pain.  I wasn't happy though because really, it is just way too high that way (don't get me started on how ugly it looks) and it just throws me every time I wake up, plus it is too soft for me that way too.  Maybe we need a sleep number bed so we are both happy but in the meantime, I looked for one of those memory foam toppers to put on top of our mattress.  It wasn't cheap but the reviews were very good so last night was the first night with the box spring finally gone and the new memory foam on the top.  Neither of us felt like wow, this is awesome after the first night but at the same time we both slept really good.  I love how you don't feel the other person moving around and how it's firm but soft at the same time.  So that is our bed story and I really hope the topper will mean a happy and resolved bed conflict for us. :)  I was trying to think of another silly example Ehren and I constantly don't see eye to eye on but I have to say this must be the only thing that usually comes back to haunt us.   I'd love to hear what is something other couples argue about, I bet there would be a lot of funny examples.  It is funny how we're all so different and how we need to blend our lives together when we get married, with all the good and bad, with all the fun and weird habits which we don't see as much in ourselves but we definitely see in our spouses. :)  It's what makes life beautiful and interesting and I'm so glad God designed it this way so we have a helper and mate to share this life with.  Even if his vision of a perfect bed is on the very opposite side of mine, I know that in the end whatever bed we have the best place to be is in his arms.  And I have to say my favorite and cherished moments with Ehren are when we talk and talk (or cry or laugh) because one of us can't sleep until midnight or later, just lying in our bed.  Happy 12th anniversary to my Ehren this Sunday and I hope we have many more years to argue about a bed together but mostly to see the gifts we are to each other every day.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

a quick update

I feel like I am living in a "blank" the last 3 weeks or so.  Just trying to survive the kids, the neverending chores around the house, getting over 2 bad colds while trying to start running more, etc.  I thought about writing on here a few times and then I realized that I don't have anything good or interesting to say. :)  So it feels a bit like my life is pretty boring at the moment, no excitement other than watching kids get excited about playing with water outside, or popsicles they get to have, or watching Kade play soccer.  The summer is sort of here, we had a couple days here and there that were pretty warm and we actually enjoyed some summer fun in our back yard.  Since me and the kids are pretty stuck here in the house all day (there are too many kids to fit in our van) we've been going to town a lot in the evenings, like going to the park or Kade's soccer, or to the library which is a nice break.  Other than that, nothing too much going on.  We're hoping to enjoy some family time this weekend at Ehren's parents' cabin.  It will be Father's Day and our anniversary on Sunday so we have 2 occasions to celebrate.

Here are a few pictures of the kids outside, our first warmer days and we hope for many many more this summer. :)

PS: In case you're wondering why in the world do we use the tiny kiddie pool instead of the big blow up one is that as a rule for a licensed daycare we have to change water in those pools every day and it is a pain in the butt to fill up the big pool and drain it all in one day. :)  So our kids really can't wait to swim in the lake or the swimming pool on the weekends.

enjoying our slip n slide

how many bodies can we fit into this kiddie pool? :) They still had fun in there

Kason is the main entertainer in the water

now it's the babies' turn in the pool - a little play time after their nap
Carson and Aveah - my 2 babies who are officially not infants anymore
Still a few bottles a day but at least one of them will hold it until he's done.

happy eaters, sometimes